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Messages - McMetal

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:21 AM »
Paul Scheer is one of the guests next week on TD I believe, and he is worth the price of admission alone. (Dr Andre Nowzik from The League for those unfamiliar with the name, also a star on that NCIS-SVU whatever thing on Comedy Central) he has also done a few one-off appearances on ESPN shows.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:31 AM »
Did anyone else think the Mom looked an awful lot like Maggie? Maybe it was the unflattering post-apocalype hair style but that seemed intentional almost.

Forgot to mention the highlight of Talking Dead - Hardwick busting out the Governor action figure! Although it might have been nice to note they are also available at Walgreen's, Toys R Us, etc and not just pimp the AMC website.

Morrissey was good though.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: November 18, 2013, 12:59 PM »
I generally don't mind the slower paced episodes but this one really dragged, IMO. Mostly because of Phillip himself. All the brooding, no talking, it got tiresome.

Props for making the guy seem a little less psychopathically demonic, but if you are expecting the audience to buy some sort of half assed redemption story you can forget it. This is not Merle.

I was suprised Martinez and the other guy ditched him, but that was classic.

I didn't really get pouring out the spaghettios either, but in retrospect probably a smart move. If you meet new people in the zombie apocalypse, and they offer to feed you right off the bat, there is probably a high probability of poison and/or roofies. Stick with the sardines.

Leaving was just plain silly though. "Who needs all these comfortable beds and toilets?" They could have cleared that building easily enough. WTF do they think they are going to find? Phillip at least should have known better.

End of the world or not, getting freaky in the back of the van with a little kid sleeping right next to you is just plain disgusting. Like it's so hard to sneak away, sheesh. Even Shane and Lori never stopped that low.

I was surprised this merited a second episode as well, but clearly some bad stuff has to happen for him to have any interest in going back to that prison.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Thor (Movie & Sequels)
« on: November 16, 2013, 08:16 AM »
Saw the 3D showing last night on a whim and was not at all disappointed. I enjoyed it, except for the little swerve at the end, which I guess I should have expected.

If they do end up doing a third movie they have to bring in Hela. Hopefully the writers are aware he fought other foes besides Loki.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Holy Crap I'm a Dad!!!!....again!
« on: November 16, 2013, 08:13 AM »
Congrats man! You own this thread!

We're getting a new puppy today...not really the same thing though.  :P

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:13 PM »
It's the one with the Bomb Squad Trooper, Hardcase and Cadet Cutup. It's not a bad set at all, but I already have an extra laying around in my customize/swap/sell pile which I'm pretty sure I got months ago for something like $5 or $6.

I saw another 2 sets at a different Marshall's after work, so they must be shipping again. No other battlepacks in sight, just that one.

I also saw some more Class II stuff - Anakin, Obi Wan and Kit Fisto's JSF, nothing different.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:47 PM »
I picked up a second Artillery Cannon from Marshall's for $15. I saw they also had 3 Republic Troopers battlepacks for $12.99 each. I'd pick that up on clearance maybe, but not at that price.

Doesn't look like either of the stores I checked had re-stocked on Class II stuff since they first hit.

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series - 2013 Wave 2
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:45 PM »
They definitely flew off the shelves right away here. I consider myself lucky to have found them the day theywere put out. I'm curious when these will start showing up at TRU and less traveled places like Barnes and Noble. (I have seen all of Wave 1 there)

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: The Black Series 3.75" - 2013 Wave 2
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:43 PM »
Ironic that the online etailer selling those at that price is a valued sponsor and advertiser at some of the SW sites that rail against "scalpers" the most.

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:41 PM »
"nobody beats Hasbro when it comes to bringing an action figure to the market"

unless you live in the United States and wanted that last wave of Clone Wars figures. Or Movie Heroes. Or that online exclusive TVC wave. or, etc etc

It is an interesting piece to be sure. I would like to see a box office/sales graph for The Hobbit...yikes.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: November 13, 2013, 09:59 PM »
The 5 Below near me must have just restocked with more Clone Wars figures, I saw a sea of Anakins, Yodas, and Phase I clones on the pegs today after work. Even better though, I found a Clone Commando Boss, plus another Fox. I bought those on the spot. Nothing else interesting to note.

I did see some new Clone Wars figures out today, not in the wheelbarrow, but on the regular pegs. So maybe there is still hope for more TVC too.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
« on: November 13, 2013, 09:44 AM »
Not sure how many episodes in we are, 6 or 7 maybe, but it seems apparent at this point that Agents of SHIELD is not going to get any better. It's the same shtick every week. Certainly not a bad show, but having stuff like Walking Dead back on now only serves to highlight how much this show under-delivers on its promise.

Some golden opportunities to tie in to the new Thor and Captain America movies, will be a shame if they fail to capitalize on those.

And what happened to Ron Glass? His schedule suddenly got too busy?

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series - 2013 Wave 2
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:51 PM »
I was just able to find a replacement Leia at a local Target today who has really well-done eyes, what a relief. It looks like if they go just a hair off center then it comes out atrocious. I am happy to have found a pair spot-on. Still not my favorite figure but I look forward to busting her out tonight. (I rephrased that like 5 times and none of them sounded good)

Still on the hunt for a replacement Greedo though, as I have noticed a small splotch on the left eye of the one I got. The other I saw Friday was even worse.

The only 2 I saw at my stop today were Leia and Han. 2/3 other Targets I checked had no sign of the wave, but at 1 per case I could have easily just missed them outright.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: November 11, 2013, 09:32 AM »
Yeah, Talking Dead needs to go back to 30 minutes, an hour is just too long. By the second half they are just treading water, going over obvious stuff. (OMG, remember when they had "musical guests"?) The guys they had last night were good, but there's only so much you can stretch those conversations out.

So, thus ends the best part of this season. I really, really was hoping they would save the Governor reveal until the last episode before the winter break. I'm not ready to go back there, the show has been SO GOOD without him.

Nothing against the actor, or even the writers really, but the whole Governor thing just sucks the life out of this entire show. The walkers, to me, are a much more compelling adversary. I just hope if nothing else that they decide to wrap this thing up once and for all this season. I absolutely do not want them to pull the Lost - Michael Emerson card and write the dude into the show long term because they think he's such a great actor. People and storylines in this show have a natural shelf life.

Enough looking ahead though. Hershel kicked ass again, Rick and Carl bonded over the slaughterama, and Maggie got to break an axe and shoot out a window! I even found myself liking Lizzie for a second with her gutsy attempt to save Glenn, up to the point where she remembered she was a girl and had to trip and fall down.  ::)

Nothing like getting intibated with a used, blood and vomit-encrusted intibator. Good luck, Glenn! (I was seriously worried for him there at one point)

I think Rick and Darryl will be fine. Darryl will be pissed probably yeah, but as much at Carol as Rick i think. He was the one who said he'd put a bolt in the culprit himself after all. I'm much more curious to see what Tyreese's reaction will be. How pissed is he gonna be that they let her go?

RE: scenes from next week - who on Earth could sleep peacefully in a nylon tent in the zombie apocalypse? That's the best you could do for accommodations over the past 6 months? And where are Tweedledee and Tweedeledum?

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