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Messages - Ryan

Pages: 1 ... 242 243 244 245 246 [247] 248 249 250 251 252 ... 293
Photonovels and Movies / Re: Photo Novel: Republic Intelligence
« on: September 3, 2005, 05:16 PM »
Excellent! :) I love it GGPike!

I think you did a great job with the lighting, I really like the blueish color. I'm really liking how you used speech bubbles it gives it a comic type feel to it. The effects are great too. Those dioramas are really cool as well. And aside from the cinematography, there is a great story in there. :)

Keep it up I really look forward to seeing more! :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: WalMart Mega Display
« on: September 3, 2005, 05:04 PM »
Maybe that explains why my local Wally for over a week now has nothing in the regular section. I'll have to check that out next time I go.

Same here. It would supprise me, Wlam-Mart is the single most unorganized place on Earth. >:(

but yet this does dan binks votes for stiking it on some one check the ffurg forrums what now :D 8)


Hey, gang...after begging and pleading rather pathetically, I finally got one of the MIA regulars to post again back in one of the other threads...

...and it was a very intriguing and original suggestion. Alas, it doesn't help break the tie, but it's an interesting idea worthy of discussion and consideration.

So here's 187_Maul's suggestion:

Although this only makes the decision for you what to do more difficult, I'd hide the tracking device behind the toilet or somewhere in the bathroom, and then leave for the meeting with Blondie. This tracking device may prove to be more important in the future than it does at the moment, so I wouldn't get rid of it immediently. Hiding the device leaves the possibility of revtrieving it afterwards. After the meeting with Blondie I'd definitely confront Callie about this though.

I thought of that, but immiediately ruled it out. It'd better to ditch it on someone or even keep it. If you hide it Calllie or whoever is tracking you is more likely to notice that you are on to them because it would stop moving all of a sudden. I'm not really sure what'd you need it for, I think it could cause more trouble than it's worth.  I still say ditch it, on someone.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 7 underway
« on: September 3, 2005, 04:37 AM »
I've been taking care of drunk kids all night so I'll probably sleep in late tomarrow.

I guess if you guys really need me to pick right away  have Matt_Fury call me.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Jabba on the Dais!
« on: September 2, 2005, 07:03 PM »
Very nice ty! I agree Jabba looks a bit off but the dias is excellent. I love the big missing chunks in on the front left corner.

What is that grate like material underneath? And where did you get it? I could use something like that.

They look better. Were you going for te 501st look or is it just a variationof that design?

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 7 underway
« on: September 2, 2005, 06:45 PM »
I think we're doing pretty damn good.  Nearly 7 rounds in less than a week.  Those football pool guys must be slow.   :-*

There are 4 less people in this league. Do they teach math in Canada?  :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 7 underway
« on: September 2, 2005, 06:37 PM »
Scott Gomez,  C NJ

Sorry it took so long, I've been in class and I tend to sleep in until about noon, get ready then leave. :P

Feedback / Re: CHEWIE's feedback
« on: September 2, 2005, 05:46 AM »
I forgot to post this until now, but I have had a few great trades with CHEWIE, I highly recommend tradding with him. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: HELP FROM ANY FANS
« on: September 2, 2005, 05:38 AM »
then I found a good source for cheap loose figures (please shop wisely).... Brian'

I couldn't keep from laughing when I read that. ::) :D

I think it has something to do with the Empire becoming much stricter and trying to eliminate any individuality. At the end of ROTS the Star Destroyers also are plain and have no clor like they did at the begining of the movie.

But, I think it is posible that there are colored Stormies in the OT. We just don't really see them. If you think back to ROTS, the only white clones we saw were on the Star Destroyers and the dead ones in the Temple. In the OT the only Stormies we see are from Star Destroyers or the Death Stars. The Troops on Endor are from the Death star so that would explain why they are white. The Sandtroopers are a possible "color" variation even though they are just a dirty white. The Troopers on Cloud City were also from a Star Destroyer, so they would be the white "Fleet" Stormtroopers. In ROTS the Troopers that are stationed to a particular planet have different colors, but the "Fleet" troopers are white. This is all purely hypothetical, but it kinda makes sense.

CHEWIE, I like the 501st colens and Stormies, but like DD I don't really like the speckling. It looks odd. I think you did a good job and the chipping on the blue paint for the stormies. It looks more random. I think you could add the blue on the knees for the clones and the stormies. Your lines do look nice and straight, you sell yourself short on that ability. :)

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Sideshow Gets 12" Figure License!
« on: September 2, 2005, 04:34 AM »
If I can find a way to sneak these into My budget, I definitely will try to pick them up. The vote was hard for me to pick I had a really hard time narrowing it down between Thrawn, Vos, and Kanos.

But in the end I went with Vos.

1. Vos
2.(tie) Thrawn
2.(tie) Kanos
4. Mara Jade
5. Padme.

I figured they'd get to that Padme at some point, she is still a core character just in a EU outfit.

Sly Moore, Rabe, Yaura, and Queen Amidala pegwarmed here for awhile. Pablo-Jill moved quickly though. Other than those 5 I didn't see a single POTC figure at retail. I got the Cantina wave at C3 but they dropped me $10 each or maybe it was $9.... either way, much more than I wanted to spend.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Anyone know the Target DCPI #s?
« on: September 2, 2005, 04:18 AM »
Question on this, and it relates to the final 12. I sent a PM to the poster over at Scum, but a guy posted that Target has changed the DCPI numbers for the final 12, and they are now priced at $6.99! OUCH if its true! Sorry about this, I am a a very tired teacher who has been at the school for 12-14 hours the last two days for open house and parent-teacher conferences, and I cannot write, spell or look normal at a monitor. Anyway, I have not searched the thread to see if the final 12's DCPI are posted here, and if they are, has anyone looked to see what they ring up as to confirm the price increase?
I've been waiting or a price increase to $6.99 for a month now, and at Wally to $6.88 since we are moving into the Holiday season in a month or two, so I just wanted to cofirm it (that and combined with the price of gas!).

God I hope not. >:(  But it wouldn't supprise me. There goes Army building with 501st clones. :-\

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy hockey 2005 - Round 5 underway
« on: September 2, 2005, 01:49 AM »
Adam Foote, D Columbus

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