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Messages - Podracing Fan

Pages: [1]
Hey Hasbro! / Re: do not need more REHASHES!
« on: June 21, 2004, 04:06 PM »
I totally agree, I was going to post this in a separate post but I will do it in this one. Ever since I saw the podracing scene in EP1 I have been really liked the podracers. I own both racer games and have all five podracing figures. I do want more podracing figures because I believe they are some of the best and most interesting aliens in Star Wars. I was what made EP1 stand out.
Heres what I thought they could do with the remaining Pod Racers.
release Mawhonic, Ben Quadrinaros, Mars Guo and Cliegg Holdfast as singles cos they will sell well cos they were on screen.
They could release Dud Bolt and Elan Mak as a two pack because they are smaller.
The rest can be released as a set.
I think this is the most realistic way they could do it.

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