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Messages - Glassman6

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 41 42 43 [44] 45
I think phurby and Findswoman have good suggestions for you Darth E.
In the past have used lando as a base for my head, but i think i'm gonna whip out the waxpen and see if i can sculpt myself.

I have a question. Are we making ourselves as any specific character?  Or is is a free for all?
Like ourself as a jedi or bounty hunter or just any on/thing?

I've made myself as a jedi before, so i think i'm gonna go with a sith version of me. Either that or a Mandalorian Me.

well, i've had my face on the other forums from self-customs but i'm getting a kick outta seeing who every one is. So here i am with my wife.
Dont worry chewie, you arent the only one with a "babyface"  This was a little over a year ago. I'm 36 now.

We should do customs of US and our significant other...?

I think the interest at scum is there but we've been doing some very advanced customs.
I think the easier ones over there would be a hit.

I'm in for customs of us.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: HHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!
« on: August 11, 2005, 12:54 PM »
goo-gone! & oxi-clean!

Bounty hunters would be cool.
Was there ever a suggestion of self-customs?

The sticker on the packaging of the Hasbro figures says season 3.

I was working on one of those Fe-male stormtroopers..but to 3 3/4 scale.
I got the idea while working on the Betty Droid.
That one is nice though.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Clone Wars setup Updated with pics
« on: July 28, 2005, 01:05 PM »
Vator, cools scenes.
You should change your speed on your camera from 100 to 400 and see if that doenst clear up those pics. ;)

I think of mine as art. But more so i think of them as part of my collection.
My collection is unique becasue of my customs, not cause i spend rediculous amounts of time and money hunting down little pieces of plastic. (alot of us do) But MY customs are hard to come by...were up until last month.
So that is why i dont want to part with them.
If i do, then i wont have that figure, that I wanted to make, in my collection.

But i see my art as, not the van on the side of the road, but, priceless pieces after i die peniless or chop off my ear!

I cant part with mine. The one i sold for commision, i made a duplicate instead of selling mine. Same for my e-bay fox. That was a dup that turned out better than my original, but i parted with it.
The one i'm selling now, i will make a dup for myself.

Its nice that people want your customs, but I want them more.

I get offers all the time, but I still want them...even my terrible ones.

Yep. I prefer glossy. I know alot of carback makers use matte, but there is a shine to the hasbro prited cards, and unles you use a color laser printer, i think the gloss paper comes close to creating that similar effect.

As AE77 pointed out to me, Uniqueness is what sells for the big $ on e-bay.
The first of a kind sells for alot and the rest gradually less.
There are a limited number of folks willing to pay huge amounts for a 3 3/4" toy.
So if you get to them first... CHA- CHING!

Which is why the grenader is doing so well... It's unique.

I've got ...

Episode III Female Proticol Droid
Clone Wars Cartoon Padme
Baccara and Troop grunt w/ removable helmets
Republic Commando w/ removable helmet

...Either on the boards or in the works.

Then i think i'm taking a break from star wars... I've got a long list of Justice League Figs i want to make.

Thanks Meta!

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