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Messages - Reconsgt

Pages: 1 ... 108 109 110 111 112 [113] 114
Vintage Kenner / Re:Finally got my Fett
« on: December 27, 2002, 01:30 PM »
I have it on a word document and I can't seem to copy it for here. How do I do it???

Or I cqan send the pic to some who can post. Card is perfect but slighly yellow bubble
 looks worse in the pic than real life.

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / Re:Browser Problems???
« on: December 27, 2002, 01:24 PM »
Ok here it is.

version 5.00.2614.3500
update versions q240308

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / Re:Browser Problems???
« on: December 27, 2002, 10:36 AM »
I am having browser problems over the last few days
 I get an error message::

IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in
module URLMON.DLL at 0177:77065552.

 Then it shuts the page and window down.  ?????

Hey Hasbro! / Better plastic
« on: December 27, 2002, 09:43 AM »
I am getting tired of these figs that won't stand up and are so soft that we need to give them mini viagra..The weapons SUCK.  Please harder plastic.

Vintage Kenner / Finally got my Fett
« on: December 27, 2002, 09:40 AM »
I am just rambling on but I am excited I finally got my Fett I was after. nothing special just a RTOJ desert fett c8.5-9 ish.

I never noticed that he is placed on a clear backing tray in the bubble. Strange I never picked up on that before. This is the one I wrote about in another forum. I paid the guy and he left the payment unclaimed for a few weeks and no emails. I still haven't received an email but hey the fig is here and in better shape than described...

Isn't it strange that when a new toy comes in the mail it is ,like you are a little kid all over again.  

we bought a house a couple months back so we scaled down this Xmas.

She ended up with a gold and diamond cross, emerald earings and a card.

She has me, isn't that enough  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re:Who Is it?
« on: December 27, 2002, 09:32 AM »
Is this man over 40

Newbies / Re:Hello, from Wisconsin
« on: December 26, 2002, 05:08 PM »
Now now. the refs made atleast a half a dozen bad calls on both sides of the ball. I won't go any further on the outcome of that one. I will say that it sure had an interesting finish.  

LEGO / Re:Tie Fighter Lego
« on: December 20, 2002, 04:11 PM »
I received my set yesterday. This is the first lego SW set I have received. The poster looks cool. Now I want to get the mini ATAT when it comes out.

I think this is going to be another expensive turn for me.

Vintage Kenner / Re:What Is Your Vintage Collection Dream Item?
« on: December 20, 2002, 04:08 PM »
Good question. My tastes change a little. Would like a few figs MOMC 12 back Luke and C3PO and a MISB landspeeder. Those were the very first SW toys I got. I have a special memory attached to those..

On a side note I am so stoked that I picked up a vintage first shot landspeeder.. :)

If money was no object I would take the full 12 back set. Thats where it all began for me.

Modern Trading / Reconsgt's trade list
« on: December 20, 2002, 04:03 PM »
I have all red POTF2 carded figs. most variants


EP1 are openers
EP1 list

Anakin Naboo
Anakin naboo pilot
Anakin tatooine
Battle droid slashed
Boss Nash
Captain Panka
Captain Tarpals
Chancellor Valorum
Darth Maul jedi duel
Darth Maul tatooine
Destroyer droid
Gasgano and pit droid
Jar JAr Binks
Mase Windu
Nute Gunray
Qui Gon jedi duel
Rune Haako
Senator Palpatine
Yoda no logo

most EP1 have some creasing

ALL red potf are mint

green cards
Admiral Akbar
Darth Vader (sabers almost clear)
Death Star Gunner
Emperor Palpatine
Han Solo Bespin
Hoth rebel soldier
Luke cerimonial
Luke stormtrooper
Hammer head
Leia Jabba's prisoner
Tie Fighter pilot
Tusken Raider

Freeze Frame
Lak Sivrak
Lando general
Luke Bespin
Luke cerimonial
Mon Mothma
Obi Wan Kenobi
Leia all new likeness
Leia Endor
Leia Jabbas prisoner
Darth Vader non removable helmet(x2)
ATAT driver

Bespin Guard
Chewbacca Dejarik
Darth Maul final deul
Darth Vader Dagobha
Ellors Madak
Fode and Beed
Gungan Warrior
Han Solo bespin
Luke X-wing
Mas Amedda
Mon Calamari
Obi Wan jedi Knight
Leia bespin

Qui Gon Jinn mos espa
Shmi Skywalker
Tusken Raier

gunsgip pilots (2)
Jedi starfighter MISB
Zams speeder box has shelf wear
Slave 1 MISB
plus ecxtra army builders
Anakins pod racer MISB
Selbulbas pod racer MISB
Driod fighters MISB
Royal Starship MISB box has some shelf wear
plus extra army builders
Vaders Tie Misb

Jabba &Han MISB
Luke speeder bike no glove MISB
Leia Speeder Bike MISB
Mynock Hunt MINT
Shadows Slave1 one corner soft

Sealed cases
ATOC slave 1
POTF Landspeeder
potf2 fig case ( will post # later)
EP1 gugan cannon and armored scout tank &droid (6 in case

Luke 100th
ATAT Driver
Chewbacca in 96 box


vintage carded
ANY !!!!! will trade genrously for them

Tie interceptor

loose tie bomber

Or I am open to what you may have

Newbies / Re:Hello, from Wisconsin
« on: December 20, 2002, 03:57 PM »
 I collect vintage mostly. I concentrate on carded but I do have a little of everything. I still have some of my 12" from my childhood. I also have a large modern collection. Honestly I like almost like any item. I haven't done any legos yet.

Jedimac. I am a BIG packer fan. How can you not be if you live in GB.

Newbies / Hello, from Wisconsin
« on: December 20, 2002, 12:42 PM »
 reconsgt here. I see alot of familiar people from the other boards. About me again for those who don't know me
My name is Wayne I am from Green Bay WI
I have gotten back into collecting about 4 or 5 years ago but seroiusly over the last 2. I am a military vet hence the call sign. Anybody want to know more drop me a line.

Episode 1 / Re:How many episode 1 figs do you have?
« on: December 20, 2002, 12:35 PM »
I have 205 Ep1 figs.  I picked up a large lot of figs from a toy store that went out of business, plus my local TRU screwed up on the scew and I picked up a load of figs for 93 cents each.  Most are hardly MOMC though but good custom fodder in the long run

Episode 1 / Re:Which figures are you missing?
« on: December 20, 2002, 12:31 PM »
I am missing all of the last wave. Holo sid, tc14 r2b1 I never saw them at reatil here. Infact most past the first few waves  I never saw.

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