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Messages - findswoman

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage
« on: January 4, 2006, 02:29 PM »
Darth Ennis, just sent you a PM!

Knowing that the head & the hair are from two different sources makes that head all the more amazing.  Great work integrating the two.  8)

... the Findswoman

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#18 - DARK EXCHANGE
« on: January 4, 2006, 02:23 PM »
I just looked at the back of the Ashla & Jempa card, but that's no help either.  I bet it's in one of those Visual Encyclopedia things... does anyone own the one for Ep. III?  Now I'm all curious, too...

... the Findswoman

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Customs of Us
« on: January 4, 2006, 02:19 PM »
I remember suggesting for you to use that Antilles head, but damn - I didn't realize the resemblance was that good!  This really does look like you, excellent work!


You mean the Ep. III Raymus Antilles head?  Yes, that would have been a great match for Ennis, too.  I've been seeing a number of those at my Target, and if I ever decide to do a Darth Ennis custom... :D

... the Findswoman

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that particular Leia before... what a great base for just normal Human women in everyday, non-fancy clothes.  Too bad she's probably ridiculously rare, like so many other EU figures! :-\

Good work once again, Ripley.  Keep 'em coming!  8)

... the Findswoman

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage
« on: January 4, 2006, 01:57 PM »
Hooray!  The Monster Garage arrives at!  :D

Darth Ennis, that Barriss is a big improvement over the original one.  What head are you using, by the way?  That isn't a Baroness, is it?  The only criticism I have is that her face looks a little too green, in a Lily Munster sort of shade of green -- but that might just be the photo. 

And great use of dollar store parts on Snoova (who, as Gregorbian says, definitely no longer looks like Chewbacca).  Seems like these dollar stores can be a real treasure trove for customizers!

Always enjoy seeing your stuff -- keep it coming, and happy customizing!

... the Findswoman

SinisterMonkey, you have a PM.  :)

I hope to post a new and improved trade list soon -- got lots of junk to clear out to make way for new projects!

... the Findswoman

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#18 - DARK EXCHANGE
« on: January 4, 2006, 01:39 PM »
Jedistyle, it looks like the head from Jedi youngling Jempa from the Ashla / Jempa 2-pack, but alas, I've forgotten what species that is... The SW official site's Databank is silent on the issue.  Chewie?  Anyone?

... the Findswoman

Wow, all this wonderful stuff that I've missed over the school year... Ripley, Glassman, and Ennis, these are some absolutely fantastic "self-portrait" (or, in Ripley's case, "spouse-portrait") customs.  It's fun seeing 12"-scale self-portraits, which are definitely a rarity.  Very inspiring!  I need to do an updated one of myself, since my hair's shorter now...

Darth Ripley, I've commented on your chest-burster self elsewhere -- it turned out great.  Reading your post of Sept. 30 below -- so that's where that spattered blood came from!  Just kidding.  :D  Very fine work.

Darth Ennis, you are absolutely right about the eerie facial resemblance. Both are very handsome devils indeed.  :)   The face is really spot on; the hair less so, but that's no biggie.  What head is that?

Glassman, your 12" Jedi self also has a great resemblance to you, from what I remember of photos you've posted.  Hooray for custom sculpting!  And the outfit is just superb -- sewn by you, I take it?

Great work all.  I know the Group Project or whatever is now officially over, but can we keep this thread around as a place to post our self-customs and such just the same?  Phruby, what sayest thou?

... the Findswoman

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Matte vs. Flat
« on: January 3, 2006, 05:23 PM »
Happy New Year, Talon!  Yes, you're right, "matte" and "flat" are synonymous.

I'm not sure of the chemical makeup of Testors Dullcote, but I use it with acrylic paints, and it's just fine.  With it and other similar sprays, it often takes more than one coat before things look truly matte / flat. 

As for Testors Dullcote, you may be able to order it from the website, tho' it may be a bit pricey ordered from there. 

Best of luck, and happy customizing!  :)

... the Findswoman

No worries at all, Lance.  I know how time-consuming it can be to get even one photo ready, especially when one has computer troubles to deal with.  We know the end result will be great, as always!

In the meantime, let's continue our wonderful discussion of What To Say And Do Next. Just because Lance has to hold off on posting updates, doesn't mean we should hold off on chatting about Deak's next plan of action!  :)  How 'bout it?

Just to get the ball rolling again: We've talked a lot about the bounty hunter (yes, Lance and Chewie, you've convinced me he really is Boba Fett ;) ), and we should certainly mention him Lucen and Doc... but does anyone have any suggestions for any other details we should tell them about, "no matter how trivial"? I've suggested a few, but there are certainly others: Callie?  Callie's transmitter?  The late lamented AK-289?  Major Wolfell?  The three goons we met by Uncle Lance's ship?  Anyone?

... the Findswoman

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #17 - TWISTED ALLEGIANCE
« on: January 3, 2006, 11:42 AM »
As for a CD rom, I remember talking about that before.  I could probably still do that, though I'm not sure how I will get the words on them, as the last few stories have them typed under the pics rather than actually part of the jpegs.


This may be a really wild suggestion, but what if you put them into PowerPoint? Each frame could be a picture with its accompanying text below, which is abt the simplest sort of PowerPoint presentation there is.  And they'd be in a nice, easy-to-navigate frame-by-frame format, just by virtue of being PowerPoint. 

Of course, this is contingent on whether or not you happen to own PowerPoint -- but there's always Kinko's, I suppose!  :)

... the Findswoman

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#18 - DARK EXCHANGE
« on: January 2, 2006, 07:50 PM »
Goosebumps!  This installment really had me on the edge of my seat -- I was really worried about Freelo and Alyssa for a bit there. 

And I just noticed now that Ralbarr has on a softoods skirt -- hooray!  :)

Kala's closed eyes in that last scene was a great touch -- a small detail that really made a huge difference to the whole feel and mood of that scene.  As jedistyle remarks, that scene offers some great insight into the emotional stress that the Jedi are suffering in these dark times.  The eyes are the windows to the soul, and when they're shut...

About body proportions.  In the scene where Ralbarr, Freelo, Alyssa, and Shaak Ti are all standing together, Alyssa seems awfully tiny.  Of course, I know that's because she's based on a Padmé figure, and she's standing near a Wookiee.  But even her fellow woman, Shaak Ti, seems awfully big in comparison, and she's never struck me as being particularly tall (well, not counting her head tails, of course).  Could that just be because of her big clone boots?  Is Alyssa just supposed to be a really petite lady?  Just out of curiosity, if Rykrof is in his 30s or so (as you mentinoned in a reply in the revious installment), about how old is Alyssa, & how old is their little boy by now?

And on the issue of Shaak Ti, her copious softgoods are fabulous, of course.  Only thing is, wouldn't they slow her down a bit in a battle situation?  Of course you addressed that by giving her a shorter skirt -- good move.

Now, there was one bit of the story that sort of bothered me a little:  Why doesn't Rykrof himself hurry off to rescue Alyssa once he sees that communiqué from the other Fuuda on the data screen? Why did he insist that Kala and co. go and he stay?  And if he knew that Fuuda would be showing up looking for him, why did he stay?  These things seemed a bit funny to me on the first read through, altho' maybe there was a good reason for all this to which I didn't catch on.

Looking forward to more, as always.  Keep up the top-notch work!  :)

... the Findswoman

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #17 - TWISTED ALLEGIANCE
« on: January 2, 2006, 07:25 PM »
Chewie, I promised you some more Rykrof Enloe commentary, and here it is!  :)

More wonderful work, as always.  It's hard to know what to say and to give many intelligent criticisms on these photonovels because I have almost no experience making them myself.  But even so, I never cease to be impressed by the work and time you put into this series.

I too was glad to have a recap of the events on Dathomir, if for no other reason than I hadn't read that one in a while! 

I always enjoy what you do with light & shadow in these things, and you did some really nice stuff with "night effects" in the Dathomir chapter (no. 16). The campfire scene and the evacuation scene (mentioned by In Rem) are good examples.  But in some of those scenes, the lighting seems flatter & duller than in others.  For example, the solo photos of Asajj, the Witch, and then Kala Mly Shundi on dathomir all seem a bit too green, Kala in particular.  Also, the photo of Rykrof inside the compound at the computer seems to have the same greenish cast as the outside shots, when instead he's inside.  But that's just me being nitpicky, I guess.  :p

Like Quazar, I too like having intrigue and mystery in the SW universe, and you've done a really good job with that.  Good storytelling is what turns a photocomic into a photonovel.

It's neat to see the two treasonous alien senators introduced -- I remember oohing & aahing at them in a customs thread some months back, and I'm looking forward to see what you'll have in store for them in the story.  Of course, since their "treason" is against someone like Palpatine & co., they could still turn out to be all right... of course, you alone know.  :D

Like In Rem, one of my favorite shots was the post-Coruscant-explosion shot -- very realistic, and very bleak in a way that fits the situation. One of those shots that makes you forget you're looking at something made with action figures!

And of course the soft goods Anakin in Palpy's office jumped out at me -- so that's the Evolutions one, is it?  Not bad at all.

All in all, more excellent work again!  Now I'll go say some things about no. 18.  :) And if you ever decide to put all of the installments on a CD-ROM together, please do let me know -- I would be very glad to have one!  8)

... the Findswoman

Thanks for the reply, Chewie.  I haven't commented on much of anything these days bec. school's just ended -- it's not that I don't think they're cool, which they are very much so.  I'm just starting to get back into the habit of doing so, and don't worry, your RE photocomics are going to be my next stop.  And if at some point you ever put them all on a CD together, please let me know!  :)

... the Findswoman

Okay, this may not really be the proper place for this question, but this is a thread about photonovels in the Customizing section of the forums, so I figured I'd give it a try:

I always enjoy seeing "up close" the wonderful figures that "star" in photonovels, so how about this: what would peple think if there were threads devoted to all the customs from a specific photonovel or series?   It's a great way to get an even closer look at teh fine work people do when making these photonovels.  Now come to think of it, maybe there already is such a thread for Rykrof Enloe customs, which would make sense since Chewie makes so many fabulous customs for that series.  And Quazar once had such a thread for customs from the Interactive Photonovel, though I don't know where it is anymore.   Anyway, to get to the point, this is something I would love to see more photonovelists do.  :)

And now, on a completely different topic... Vator, exactly what is going on in that bar table scene with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa?  It looks as though he's in the process -- emphasis on process -- of getting down on one knee to offer her an engagement ring, or some such... I guess i should read the photonovel to find out, shouldn't I?  :D

... the Findswoman

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