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Messages - bocrebjedi

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: BocrebJedi's Customs
« on: December 31, 2005, 04:28 PM »
Thanks everyone.

Chewie, I do have one, I'll try that.  I took them straight off the CD I had them on thinking it would work fine.  The Hutt with the blind eye is suffering from Huttrot (the black just behind his eye) which has caused him to go blind.  If I get to shooting my photonovel, he'll be the main crime lord.

DD, it was your Trandoshan, which inspired mine.  I've seen the Ninja Chap Mei figures at Big Lots.  I'll keep an eye out for the Pirates, they sound interesting.

Okay, on to resizing before I post some more.

Star Wars Action Figures / BocrebJedi's Customs -- Updated 1/20
« on: December 31, 2005, 01:39 AM »
Here are some customs I've made over the past few years.  My main goal was to flesh out the droids and aliens in my little action figure universe, but have branched out from there.  Most of the figures are fan-fic.  Also, I have been lurking on many custom forums over this time, so if any of them look a little familiar, please take it as the sign of the great custom you inspired me to recreate.

First up is a Zeltron Dancer.

Sorry the picture is so large.  Is there a way to make them smaller. 
Otherwise, you can see a few others for now in my photobucket account.

I've fixed the size on this picture.

In 2004 I had an ambitious goal of making 50 customs, which I did.  So,  I thought I'd be able to the same in '05.  But, it didn't work out.  I probably made between 20-30 this year.  While I didn't make as many, I branched out into trying some new things this year.  I started molding and casting, which has been a lot of fun.  I also starting doing some simple sculpting.

That was this year.  Next year.  I'd like to make 20-30 figures again.  I plan on trying to sculpt some more.  I'm working on an Ithorian youth head for a Padawan.  I also was able to burrow my parents' digital camera and take pictures of all my customs, so my first resolution, which I hope to get done this weekend is to get them on the web for others to see and critique. 

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Durability vs. Detail
« on: December 27, 2005, 01:48 AM »
I'm a little in the middle.  I don't like to lose articulation when I make a custom.  If the arms I'm using have wrists which move, I'd like to keep them if possible.  I don't add articulation too often.  I like detail as well, but, I don't think my customs are overly detailed yet.  I haven't gotten very good yet with the details. 

It's a nice start on the figure.  He reminds me of Garm Bel Iblis. (perhaps it's the Qui-Gon head, it seems to be used a lot for him, but the uniform also seems to fit how I pictured him.)

And I'm new to posting on the boards, I've been lurking for a while.  I've just taken some photos of all my customs and hope to post some soon, including a few Rebel Troopers.

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