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Messages - Dave

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The Vintage Collection / Andor Product Line Wishlist
« on: December 31, 2022, 06:44 PM »
I rewatched Andor over the past week and that show is so fantastic we've got to get more than just a few figures from it.  I think right now we're getting three figures - two versions of Cassian and Vel (pathetic).

I bitched about the lack of passion from the current Star Wars product management team.  If I were in charge this is what I would do. 

I put them in three categories:
No brainers - even today's Hasbro team should get this much done without much effort
Kitbashes - obvious choices if they really wanted to do world building and get some kitbashing help
Derryl DePriest tier - this is what we would have got 15 years ago under Derryl's watch and what I think someone with some passion and skill could still muster this today

No brainers:
Luthen Rael - Coruscant
Cinta (Ferrix)
Imperial army trooper - black riot control outfit with shield (make it a four pack if you want)
Dedra Meero - ISB white uniform
Syril - Pre-Mor Security Officer
Mon Mothma

ISB multi pack (white uniforms) - Dedra Meero, Lonni Jung, Officer Blevin, Major Partagaz
Narkin 5 prison multipack - Cassian Andor, Kino Loy, Ruescott Melshi
Rix Road Imperial patrol vehicle (pack in a Stormtrooper and/or offer it with the line)
Narkina 5 Imperial Security (with electro boots) (probably can kitbash this pretty easily)
Saw Gerrera  multipack - rerelease Saw (kitbash with healthy leg and no oxygen), re-release Two Tubes, kitbash Luthen in new cloak with walking stick
Prefect Tigo (Overzealous Ferrix Imperial officer

Derryl DePriest Tier
Mon Monthma Betrothal 3-pack - Mon Mothma, Perrin Fertha, daughter
Tay Kolma (Chandrila banker)
Dr. Quadpaw
Luthen Rael (Ferrix) - add in a speeder bike if you want a small vehicle line
Deluxe figure - Time Grappler and chime ($30?)
Deluxe B2EMO with giant holographic Marva (put a sound chip in it too with some of Marva's speech) ($40?)
Rix Road Funeral Band multi-pack (kitbash and make a couple different multi-packs with yellow and orange coats)
Rix Road funeral procession multi-pack (Daughter's of Ferrix maroon coats) - Brasso, black lady, etc.
Pre-Mor Security Sergeant Linus Mosk (kit bash and make a four pack)
Dewi and Freedi Pamular (Quadjumper guys on Narkina 5)

Rix Road playset - smallish (about the size of the Tantive IV hallway set) - maybe the front of the hotel with its archways.  This could be a set where you piece multiple parts together to have a urban background - $55

Luthen's Haulcraft - $100-$150 scaled down to X-Wing size

I left out most of the Aldhani story arc stuff as I don't know that anything was all that "iconic" from this bit.

What else would you guys add if you were in charge of this product line?

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: December 31, 2022, 11:37 AM »
I finished rewatching the whole series and I've got to say its so much more enjoyable when you can watch these all in a row rather than wait a week between episodes.  There is really only one part that is a little slow (Aldhani) but when you don't have to wait a week in between episodes its far less annoying.

This show is so well done.  Everything holds together without head scratching plot holes, nonsensical dialog, random character arcs, etc.  I've mentioned it multiple times, but I think the only thing I would do is speed up the Aldhani mission episodes.  Its not super critical to character or plot development other than to show that Cassian is only in it for the money.   

This show is clearly aimed at a more mature audience, and I love it.  Mandalorian is still good for its pulpy fun, but this is so well done on so many levels.  The writing and dialog are absolutely fantastic.

I'm going to post in the 3.75" figure section some thoughts on toys they should do (and will probably never do under the current leadership).  I'd love to have at least 20 figures from this season alone.

I stopped in to a Best Buy today for the first time in awhile and noticed their toy section is pared way way back. They had a little Lego section and then there was a shelf or two of other random bits. 

Maybe this change happened awhile ago but the last time I was at this store (six months ago?) they had a few small aisles full of toys.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Airing of Grievances
« on: December 23, 2022, 11:34 AM »
Its Festivus, and time for the airing of grievances.

Where to start?  Prices?  Repacks/kitbashes/repaints?  Boba Fett?

I for one would like to see the Star Wars line at Hasbro become someone's passion.  Not a passion for creating an ATM machine out of the line, but having some fanboy and childlike vision for creating something fun and inspiring.  Even their non-3.75" HasLab attempts have lacked "fun".  HasLab should be a slam dunk of fun. 

Even when they tried something new they screwed it up.  What the hell were they thinking with creating an all new, but similar to what we already have Endor bunker?  The bunker really wasn't all that fun 15 years ago and they wasted design resources that could have been used to create something all new and fun.

Somebody needs to get in there an mix it up.  Ease off on the repaints and kitbashes, and crank up the fun-o-meter.  Toys should be fun and they've lost their way.

Streaming this year brought us a kick ass Andor series that should be a gold mine of fun new stuff.  Hasbro - get your ass in gear for 2023 and do something cool, a bunch of somethings cool with the assets in this show.  Don't just kitbash your way to so-so figures.  Bring out the big guns of creativity and give me a few small vehicles and a bunch of new cool figures.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Festivus, for the rest of us!
« on: December 23, 2022, 11:22 AM »
Happy Festivus all.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: December 20, 2022, 04:04 PM »
After letting a little time pass I've begun re-watching the whole series and just finished the first story arc.  Its even better on the second watching after knowing how it all plays out, watching the bit characters playing their roles and seeing small things I missed before now knowing the ultimate result.

One question I have that I've not seen explained anywhere is Cassian's Kenari tribe when he was young.  What is the deal with the Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome / Lord of the Flies setup where its only kids in a small community seemingly fending for themselves?  I know there was a "mining accident" and you can see an abandoned quarry in Episodes 2&3, but its not clear if the tribe's situation is related to the mining accident or not.  Has anyone come across an explanation of what was going on there with Cassian's tribe?

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: December 15, 2022, 10:13 AM »
Very cool

I picked up Blitz, whew.

At least the shipping is free.

Good God make it stop.

Its nuts. They might as well go full 80s ninja turtles with all the variants. Clown Fett, Vampire Fett, Baseball Fett, Surfer Fett

Halloween Fett.  Christmas Fett.  Oh wait.  Never mind.

The problem is not knowing how long they're going to keep doing this for.  If this is the last time, then maybe I bite, but if they're going to do this eight more times then I need to jump.  My guess is that this won't be the last time.

And I am adding a prayer for the Boba Fett and Clone Arc Trooper tooling to break to my evening prayer list.

Please add new leadership in Star Wars toys at Hasbro to your evening prayer list too. 

The totally meaningless repaints have got to stop.

I'm predictably of the opinion that $80 for a set with 4 figures in it, one of which is the size of Grogu, and none of them being new is absurd. 

This price is rough.

When it was a real convention (SDCC) and these things were hard to come by you could rationalize a little of the scarcity inflation.  But PulseCon is a "fake convention" so its harder to justify the price premium.  And to be honest, I don't even think the presentation is all that cool.

I guess I'm the dummy for paying $80 for something I basically already have that was 30% less when bought before.  I gotta start passing on more of these exclusive repacks more...

I just got mine, and you're right, the box is massively oversized.

I think you are mixing up the Amazon Obi-Wan 3-pack with the  Pulse "The Rescue" Mando set. ;)

Ooops.  You're right.

Was yours shipped in an extra box? 

Mine was in the pre-packaged thin carboard box that was the exact size of the set.  They just slapped a shipping label on it.  Luckily it arrived in great shape.

Granted the overall packaging of the set is fairly large, but it needs to accommodate three carded figures vs. the loose figures you get with the troop packs.

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