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Discover the Force / Movie Heroes / Re: Vintage Walmart Wave
« on: July 23, 2011, 11:33 AM »
Personally, I am fine with this. I have only been collecting extra OT guys to keep carded. This should also put a slight damper on scalpers. I will definitely pick up a 6-8 each of the Naboo pilots and the Gungans. That package looks good, better that the current blue stuff, this feels more SWs.

Nice set  I just wish the Tarpels was new, it's the same one from the 2005 TRU exclusive Battle pack. Glad to see the Gungan shield back in play, I kept a few of my old shields for my troops.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Wave 11 TPM
« on: July 23, 2011, 11:27 AM »
Outside of Padme I am loving this wave, especially Quin and anakin! The Padawan buck is long overdue and is really welcome, I agree they should crank out some ROTS Padawans with this, they can also update the Lucas kid.

It appears they retooled Mauls saber, look at the blade flares. I was hoping Qui-Gon would get a retooled saber and head, maybe the production version will. Hasbro has managed to something I thought was not possible they made EP! feel exciting. Seriously the figures are more exciting than the film, even the Nemodian looks great!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Wave 12
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:12 PM »
This was my favorite slide shown (I am disappointed overall with the SS and info on bumped waves) I am very happy to be able to retire both Saga2 Endor Troopers now, very glad they updated them. Now they need to update the Saga ones. chewie would be all over that, he would no longer need to dremmel out heads for his Enloe customs.

In regards to Lando even if he does not come with the helmet and vibro axe it's an easy fix we have those parts already. They keep on making Luke better and better and who does not love the puppety mouth on that "Akbarian" pilot!

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2011
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:08 PM »
It really does.

(Debbie downer alert) For the first time ever I can honestly say I feel let down and not impressed by the SDCC slide show. I am also really bummed that a wave I was really looking forward to Aayla, Evez and 501st have been bumped to 12. Did they confirm after the Ponda wave that's it until January? did they ever say when that wave will be out?

All of the TPM figures look great but what happened to Jar-Jar? Too many Pod guys in my opinion. And a WM exclusive wave with army builders, that will be fun to get.
They really botched this year up.

Is it possible that these were already up and are now out of stock?

According to scum they were.

I am usually a big supporter of BBTS but this is just wrong doubling the price. It's a real turn off.
I am not too concerned with acquiring the Commandos but the DS set was something I really wanted. This was so predictable it's not even funny.

I thought the same thing. I have been checking all moring. I think I may have to get Lion-O too......

All valid points but I respectfully disagree on the failure assessment of this set. Here is why:

1. The X-Wing and DV tie
They are very iconic standard must have vehicles based on one of the most memorable scenes in the entire saga. They are more desirable to the avg buyer because they are instantly recognizable. While I really loved them both the AT-AT (I have 3) and the Slave 1 they are second and third tier vehicles to the avg buyer.

2. The package.
I can tell you from 11 yrs exp in the toy industry that window boxes especially on high pricepoint items like this make a world of difference. I have been in numerous test and consumer focus groups that show consumers like to see what they are getting especially if they are plunking down $100+. While they still plunk down on closed boxed items every test shows there is still some doubt and hesitation in whats in the closed box. Window packages show what you are getting and often, if done right like this, presents an attractive impulse factor that helps close the sale.

The AT-AT and Slave one (Both great values) did not have that going for them on top of the recognize factor.

I think this set will do well and have a faster sell through especially at Xmas time.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Landspeeder
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:08 AM »
I am all over this. This is a very worthy upgrade and the paint scheme looks really  sweet and more film accurate. I can justify selling the 2002 version I have. If any of you missed the 2002 version this tool is so good, Hasbro just made it even better with this deco. You got to love the package, they captured the true essence of true Vintage here.

They also almost captured a Vintage price as well.  The Aug release date is the cherry on top, this one is a winner all around. Kudo's for getting this one so right!

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 TRU Force Unleashed Box Set
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:03 AM »
I will get this set but I must agree that the choices are 'meh". I would have rather had a straight repack of Rahm Kota included that one of the 3 troopers. It's sets like these that make me despise clones. Hasbro has a good bandana tool from Joe that could have been used to make him blind, they could have used that tool and redecoed the eyes blueish white to pull it off without any new tooling to make a figure that fans actually want. Here is the Jinx figure it came with , it does fit Rahm:

I am really surprised they went with Phobos over Karzadan Praxious (I know I spelled it wrong but you know who I mean). Watch the other trooper be the Jetpack trooper from star Tours.

After reading Yakface's commentary I am 100% in on this set. My old Darth Vader Tie wings are really loose and there is enough newness on that X-wing that I can justify getting the set. I wish they updated the Luke too but that will have to be a future release. I am surprised they did not update that figure. Also they really should have included the TAC #16 Vader.

Nice set overall and it's been awhile since Lukes X-Wing was on shelf, I can see this set doing well since it's so iconic. For those that are complaining on this set at least the X-Wing is not a straight repack, they seem to put a lot of new details in. If these mega sets do well who know what could come of them.

(BTW - I really would have bought several of these sets had a DS Turret been included)

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2011
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:59 PM »
Trench Run pack is cool but I have both so no biggie... unless they mod both the cockpits. still a pass

I smell a new head on Luke too. I think the cockpit mods are very probible, it that is the case I am in.
The package looks really nice and sells the product even without seeing good shots. If the package formet has more of that look that would help sales, it make it look more exciting.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: July 20, 2011, 10:12 AM »
K-Mart ROCKS! They have been consistently getting in new waves of Vintage, Class 1 assortment and now the B-Wing!

I picked up:
B-Wing x2
Fixed W5 Stormtrooper
#45 Clone Trooper (Up to 56 now and climbing)
AT-RT Driver
Sirk-Fetch-Erk-Koplaw-Rot-Lop-Fan or whatever that Nikto's bame is.
Cassis with Bike

The Vintage Collection / Re: K-Mart Vintage Collection B-Wing
« on: July 20, 2011, 10:08 AM »

after looking at sandtroopers´review it seems that the tvc version have improved the paintjob (in some stripes, turbines, wings) only it appears like the interior of the cockpit has less details coloured than the tlc Dagger Squadron release.

The details are pretty decent, there wasn´t time for a bigger scale yet, but decoration on this sheep is evolving.

I picked up two of these yesterday. I actually have to respectfully disagree on the deco. The POTJ one is way superior because of the body wash.  The new b-wing is nice and they did add new paint details but the body wash that is missing really stands out when you compare them side by side. it's still worth getting. I will take side by side pics and post tonight for my peeps here on JD.

FYI - I upgraded my old POTJ B-Wing by dismantling the Daggr Squadren version. I took the new cockpit, front exhaust and the rear thrusters (with painted flames that the new B-Wing does not have) and swapped them with my old one. It looks awesome! i never shown it off.

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