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Messages - Jesse James

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Celebration III: Indianapolis / Re: Everyone Get Home Safe?
« on: April 25, 2005, 10:47 PM »
I didn't realize you were there either Spuffy, I'd liked to have run into you though.  :(  Sorry man...  Woulda liked to have bumped into you at Hooters or whatever.

I'm finding there were tons of people there I didn't get to meet at all.  That's sort of an added disappointment to the trip which wasn't really disappointing to me except for some little stuff...  But that's a bummer since it's sort of a one-shot deal getting to meet up with people you know/appreciate.

mine are more a green generally though, just an fyi...  And yes, they are dazzling, thank you.  I'm Mr. Fantastic.

Well I can't comment on how beautiful I think you are Ed, your fiance will kill me...  :)  Nah, the Tocchet guy's a big tough hockey player.  I meant it in a complementary fashion...  Sorry for the inadvertent insult, haha.

Shannon, I just got flustered when you mentioned it...  I appreciate it, and still am blushing after that, you're too kind.  Thank you very much.

Now tell Ed he's hot since I pissed him off.   :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Princess, Please read...
« on: April 25, 2005, 08:04 PM »
I think you were nearby when that picture was taken.  Perhaps we were in it together Adam?  We're replacing those weird Monty Python Gunness characters.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Met any other SW forum members?
« on: April 25, 2005, 08:03 PM »
Oh so we can just beligerently make fun of him then?

OK, Daniel sucks ass.

Well, a couple of funny boob remarks came to mind but I'm going to hold my tongue.  Suffice to say, I wouldn't have had a hard time seeing anything had it been possible.  That's as politely as I can put that...  Shannon just was just covered sufficiently to not show was my point. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Met any other SW forum members?
« on: April 25, 2005, 07:34 PM »
Kevin was there because I did meet him at one point as well...  Havne't seen him since on here though.  I'd hope he had checked in with someone about getting home.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Met any other SW forum members?
« on: April 25, 2005, 07:34 PM »
OK, then I met Jamie, Holo E, and a guy with them who I am not sure who he was then?   :-\  

I also met Jadesfire/Hubby as well (Sorry Beth, I knew I was forgetting names).

Shannon, nothing bad at all...  You drunkenly (I'm guessing) complemented my eyes, I appreciated that.  You were just being too kind.  Gotta get you buzzed all the time I think.

Hmmm, Deanpaul.  Never thought of who I may look like, actually.  Interesting.  I don't think anyone was even vaguely similar though. 

Landoscoundrel actually looks like Rick Tocchet some though I thought... 

Princess, I saw nothing but you lift your T-Shirt and that was it...  I was being slightly coy there.  I didn't see boobage.  I looked...  I looked very hard.  I saw nothing.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More Target Exclusives?
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:49 PM »
A guy was walking AROUND at C3 with one, actually.

Jeff and I were gawking at the Hasbro booth and looking at their sample when a guy walked right up with a carded one in his hands...  Said a guy had 3 and sold him one in the exhibitor hall.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Battlefront II!!!!
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:44 PM »
They had kiosks set up...  Didn't get in to play though.  Lines at the con were hellacious, to say the least.  It's visually impressive, but I wasn't ever a HUGE fan of the original...  It's ok as an MP game but since I'm more a SP fan I was never that into BF that much.   :-\

Without actually playing, I dunno what tweaks they maybe worked in.  AI did suck though and I'd say Rep. Commando was vastly superior to BF even so they have some leaps they can make for sure.  Honestly, I'm sort of surprised on a sequal, especially so soon... 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Princess, Please read...
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:39 PM »
Can someone edit me OUT of you two's picture?  I look like I'm doing a beer commercial just off-camera.

Yes, yes you did Princess...  very nice btw.

And I know what you expected Vator...  Fat guy, balding with a ponytail...  greasy and unkempt.  I know.  I surprise lots of people that it's only a half-truth.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Met any other SW forum members?
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:34 PM »
I met a lot, though briefly I'm afraid...

-Holographic Elvis (Though nobody said your name, I just got HE, and didn't really get to talk to you too much either)
-A guy with Jamie/HE who I guess is the infamous Wuss-Boy?  Again not much of an intro was made
-DSJ/Dale (Sucks we didn't get to talk much man)
-Princess/Shannon (Still appreciating the complement I got :-[ )
-KBZ/Rob (Same as Dale, wish we could've talked/hung out more)
-BigDumbWookiee/Adam (Yes man, that was me, and I apologize we couldn't talk more but I had to leave for dinner cuz of my gf being there)
-JesseVader/Jesse2 (Still gotta get my shirt, I know, I'm sorry man)
-LandoTheScoundrel/Ed + Fiance (Saw you like twice at the con after that and couldn't get a wave off to you in time)
-The Boss/Chris
-JediMAC/Matt/The Guy With A Phone Permanently Stuck To His Ear
-SLC (met ya briefly at the FFURG booth, ironically)
-Kevin/Famine (very brief hello)

I met a lot of the guys briefly at Hooters too...  Going through the names so fast was hard though.  Mousedroid and I had a nice brief convo though which was great since he's from my general area originally.  Very cool...

I met Dan Curto as well, of Rebelscum, since he works for FFURG as well, and of course the FFURG Staff like CorranHorn/Jason, Doug, Tim, Ashley...  The latter 3 aren't here though I wish they'd stop by.  All the FFURG guys are great, and the table did incredibly well...  overwhelmingly well actually.

I'm hoping I am NOT missing names on that list, but I'm sure that I am. 

Meeting everyone was great...  Busy though.  I wish I could've gotten to know you guys more by hanging out more, but between being sick 2 nights of the weekend, and having other commitments...  I was just back and forth all weekend...  It was hectic, fun, dejecting at times, exciting, and jawdropping...    It was great overall, and I hope I get to see you guys all again.  If you're in Pittsburgh ever, just lemme know you're coming into town and I'd gladly put back some beers with any of you.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: April 25, 2005, 05:42 PM »
Without a doubt, one of my favorite parts was the E3 spectacular with McCallum.

RM was a seemingly nice enough guy, very talkative, but the footage/montage they did
for the show was fantastic.  Very professional, and some of the scenes just blow your mind
with how incredibly "gritty" and realistic they look.  The space battle's just jawdropping from
what I saw.

I was on sensory overload that day.  Best day of the con for me actually was Friday when I got
in to see that, and other stuff...  I still have images from the montage in my mind right now, even
as I write this post...  It's that great, or so it seemed.  I'm pumped beyond belief for E3 right now.

Far more than I was for E1 even, which I thought I'd never feel that way about a SW film again.

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