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Messages - Kendo Benobi

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I wasn't too jazzed about this wave when it was first uncovered/announced because I am tired of all of the Clones. (I know, I may have to switch to GI Joe or another hobby this fall.)

But, the Kashyyyk Trooper may be my favorite of all the Clone Trooper variations. It looks cool.  There I said it. Can't believe one the Clones is one of my favorites in any category. Gree is also not half-bad. I just found the entire wave at my local Walmart (and what's up with McFigures??? I counted 8 Snowtroopers and at least 6 Rebel Troopers on the pegs next to the couple dozen Moff Jerjerrods collecting dust.)

And did they actually try and make the whole Anakin-Obi-Panning Droid-Platform work? Nice try though. Individually you can imagine what they might look like together.

Another separatist. (At least it wasn't a third Clone.)

Some more droids. (Teenage 2-1B???)

Not too shabby overall.

Someone may have already posted this but has anyone figured out how the panning droid "connects" to the platform. I am not an engineer and I can't make it work.

I just worked this out myself last night.

The two arms that are not being used to hold the lava cauldron can swing forward to plug into the lava.  The platform will lift off of the lava base, and you'll find two slots that are intended for those two arms to plug into.  Plug those in, then replace the platform and the Panning droid and lava mining platform are effectively one unit.

If my explanation isn't clear enough, check out the small photo on the figure blister.  It shows how the pieces integrate.  But the way I set mine up looks a good deal better than the RS image.

THANKS! The trick was getting his arms going in the right direction. I was looking for slots in the base.

Someone may have already posted this but has anyone figured out how the panning droid "connects" to the platform. I am not an engineer and I can't make it work.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: March 2, 2008, 10:32 AM »
Dorme...  I want Dorme.

Word.  I still have a petition out there somewhere (it actually got a mention in Vogue magazine!).   :)

Right here.

I've signed it, too.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ideas for Future Evolutions Sets?
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:48 PM »
- ROTJ General Airen Cracken (deleted scene)

They already made him in the Saga2 line, he's a pretty good figure who's still at Targets everywhere (at least in my area) warming the pegs.

Yeah, I know who you're referring to and when I saw his picture on the card I was not amused. While it is a good sculpt of someone, it doesn't really capture his likeness in my opinion. In the deleted scene aboard the Falcon he's not wearing gloves while manning the ship's laser guns and he's older than the figure's youthful appearance without the goofy grin and that ridiculous copy-cat raised-shoulder pose. Would you follow that figure into battle? The other "commandos" at least look halfway like tough guys. The black variant is definitely the superior of the two. (As repaints go, I am just barely accepting Pax Bonkik as legitimate if that tells you anything about my fondness for "cloned" variants.) And why waste a cool name like "Airen Cracken"?

So, I guess I should have included "SA, re-sculpt".     

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ideas for Future Evolutions Sets?
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:52 PM »

- ROTS with Yoda (piggyback)
- TESB with C-3PO and cargo net
- ROTJ with Ewok

Galactic Civil War – Imperial Commanders

- ANH Commander Praji
- TESB Captain Needa
- ROTJ Commander Gherant

Galactic Civil War – Rebel Commanders

- ANH Commander Willard
- TESB Major Shawn Valdez
- ROTJ General Airen Cracken (deleted scene)

Lando Calrissian

- EU Battle of Tanaab
- TESB Bespin Escape
- ROTJ Ewok Celebration

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: February 28, 2008, 11:03 PM »
I am new to this board but I think the folks criticizing Hasbro's decision (and it is truly is theirs in the end) have completely lost sight of the fact (yes, fact) that Willrow Hood is infinitely better than yet another Clone Trooper, yet another BARC trooper, yet another Vader, yet another Tatooine Luke, etc.

Back in 1981 or so, I sent Kenner a letter which included a very long list of Star Wars action figures that I really, really, really wanted them to make. I was about 10 years old and I had worked on this list for a long, long time. I typed the letter and then I'd think about another character I hadn't included (I didn't know many of their “real” names back then) and then I'd have to start all over and retype the letter. (This was before home computers.) I remember the day I finally sent the letter because I asked my mother for a stamp and an envelope and she wanted to know why I needed them. Then she insisted upon reading the letter. She thought it was silly and she couldn't understand why I was so obsessed with getting it just perfect. I sent it anyway. 

About a month later, I received this very dry, very wordy letter back from Kenner’s legal department stating why they couldn't accept my list and that I needed to first trademark “my ideas” before submitting them. I was crushed. Not so much because of their response but because they didn't send me my list back.

Things have changed since then big time. Whether you support Willrow or not, consider the 10-year-olds, the 20-year-olds, the 30-year-olds, etc of today who have a collective voice because of forums like this one. And consider that Hasbro actually listens to us and gives us Fan Favorites and Fan Choices, etc. And then consider Scott, who didn't need anyone’s approval (including his mother's) to start a movement around a character most thought would never see the light of plastic.   

I don't care why you did it, Scott. I get to cross another one off my (new) list. Thanks. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:43 AM »
First, hats off to Hasbro for continuing to find new ways of satisfying both avid collectors and young enthusiasts alike. Willrow hasn't been high on my list but I signed the petition to support my fellow collectors. Oh, who am I kidding? I would have signed a petition for the guy sitting third from the right, second row, center section at the Boonta Eve Podrace challenge that’s how much I love collecting Star Wars.

Second, in honor of Willrow’s 2009 debut, I think we should all petition Ben & Jerry’s to create a limited edition Star Wars ice cream flavor to help us celebrate. I am voting for “Chewie Carmel Trash Compactor Crunch”.

Nice job, Scott!

1.   Tey How
2.   Mawhonic
3.   Padme Amidala (Return to Naboo)
4.   SA Eeth Koth (re-sculpt)
5.   Bib Fortuna (Boonta Eve)
6.   Chokk
7.   Diva Shaliqua
8.   R5-X2
9.   Rango Tel
10.   Captain Maori Madakor (Radiant VII Pilot)

I am not a big fan of the podracers either with the exception of maybe Mawhonic. Visually, he's the only podracer that doesn't look like a reject from the Muppets. I think the more interesting characters can be found in Jabba's box. So, here's my short list:

1. Chokk
2. Diva Shaliqua
3. R5-X2 (this seems like a no brainer for Hasbro; just a red and white repaint of the R5 model)
4. Bib Fortuna - the costume is different and he looks younger - it'd be a nice re-sculpt

Heck! This might even be the right opportunity for Gardulla the Hutt a la the Droid Factory. Build a Hutt.

BTW .... I realize this discussion was started before Toyfare. I am not sure which is which but I think Watto might be coming with one of the two R2 units in the list in one of the six Wal-mart two-packs. Who would have thought that'd be the first one to make it on to the shelves from the unproduced TPM characters. 

Newbies / Re: Bo shuda from Hoth Midwest
« on: February 17, 2008, 10:59 PM »
Welcome Kendo! Nice to have you aboard! What part of the Hoth system are you from? I'm just above freezing and below frozen.  ;)

I like your ideas that top your most wanted SW figures. Be sure to vote for your favs in the upcoming movie wishlists that Scott regularly does here.

Again, welcome, and hope you have a good time here!

I live in the Missouri part of Hoth but frequent the Milwaukee/Madison part during the week on business. Cold and colder. I'll will check out Scott's wishlists. Thanks!

Newbies / Bo shuda from Hoth Midwest
« on: February 17, 2008, 09:04 PM »
Hello, all.

I've been reading JD for a long, long time but have never posted. In recent months, JD has become my favorite SW fan site for information and commentary because of its consistency and the speed with which it obtains reliable "breaking news". Plus, I decided what the heck, it's 10 degrees outside so why not share a few thoughts on my favorite pastime to pass the time.

A little bit about me... I work in commercial real estate and have degrees in business and design/technology. Boring. More importantly, here is where I stand on key Star Wars issues to give you a better idea of who I really am:

1. Greedo did not shoot first.
2. Jar Jar's appearance in Episode III was his best.
3. I still can't believe I paid $30 for monkey-faced Princess Leia about 12 years ago.
4. Repainted, kit-bashed figures shouldn't be a suprise to anyone in a galaxy filled with Clones.
5. Sim Aloo, Captain Colton and the Lars family are tops on my action figure wishlist.   

I look forward to sharing thoughts with all of you!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 1 - Return of the Jedi
« on: February 17, 2008, 10:22 AM »
I have to admit that I am very excited about this wave. I mean come on... Yarna Dal Gargan! Here's something to consider about this wave and the direction Hasbro is taking. Although there is a lot hype over the animated Clone Wars, you have to believe that Hasbro's SW team is concerned about collectors like me and I imagine the majority of the contributors to this forum who've helped carry the line through non-movie years. I am older (not going to say how old) and I've been collecting Star Wars since Hammerhead was known as Hammerhead.

Frankly, I am undecided about the Clone Wars. I will see the movie and watch the show but I simply don't like the animated style figures. I passed on the cartoon Clone Wars figures a few years ago. I suspect Hasbro knows this and realizes that Clone Wars is going to appeal to a younger, probably newer audience. So, how better to appease their collector base than to release a figure like Yarna that up until now was deemed inappropriate as an action figure for "children" (that came from Lucasfilm). I'd like to think a deal was cut to get her into the wave.

At any rate, I don't know about the rest of you but I am excited at the possibility that the Clone Wars is going to mean a greater emphasis on getting collector wishlist figures into the Legacy Collection. Only 16 of the 30 Legacy Collection have been revealed between the ROTJ and CW waves. That leaves 14 to go (and three build a droids). I think Hasbro jumped the gun in a Q&A last fall when they said there'd be a wave for all movies except TPM in 2008. I don't know how they are going to do this with only 14 figures left and in their Toyfare presentation they revealed they are grouped in waves of 8 for the astromechs and 6 for the protocol droid. 8 + 6 = 14 which is two waves to fit in ANH, TESB and ATOC. ROTS is out now. Anyone have thoughts on this?

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