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Topics - Brian

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This article was part of the Sideshow newsletter that was in my e-mail today.  Whether you agree with the writer or not, I thought it was kind of an interesting read.  It discusses how the majority of the characters in the saga are tied to Han Solo or the Skywalkers (Luke and Anakin), and how most fans - at their core - are either Solo or Skywalker people.  Just thought I'd pass it along if anyone wanted to read it.

Saga Collection '06 / TSC Retail Situations
« on: April 6, 2006, 02:45 PM »
After reading some people's comments on bare pegs at various stores, it got me wondering further about where everyone is having the best luck this year.  From the online reports, it looks like Target is most often ahead of the game in Star Wars collecting this year...and many Wal-Marts are behind, or empty.  Although I do think I've managed to find quite a few of my figures at Wal-Mart (I've only found the first three waves, no sign of Coruscant yet), I think I must have just been fortunate enough to stop in at the right times...because they have had bare pegs (or overtaken pegs) the rest of the year.  Looking back on what I've bought this year, I think this is how its broken down:

Carkoon Wave - Found at Wal-Mart
Hoth Wave - Wal-Mart (AT-AT Driver, Snowtrooper, Derlin, Veers) Target (R2-D2, Vader)
Geonosis Wave - Target (Poggle, Sun Fac), Wal-Mart (2 Clones, Scorch)

It kind of surprises me that overall I've found more at WM so far, because the pegs are literally empty every other time I've stopped there.  In fact, our closest WM now doesn't even have pegs for basic figures, instead filling those pegs with the smaller (regular) Transformers.  Plenty of SW Transformers, Unleashed BPs, and Force Battlers on the pegs though.  Our WM also doesn't carry Galactic Heroes so far.  In fact, they don't seem to be too crazy about action figures in general so far this year, as the ML pegs have been mostly bare (aside from a couple Black Panthers), they don't carry JLU or DC Superheroes thus far, no sign of Fantastic Four Classics or the X-Men lines, and a smaller action figure section overall.  Of the lines that actually have figures on the pegs at WM now, I think its something like this:

Power Rangers (large section)
TMNT (large section)
GI Joe - Sigma Six
"The Batman" Animated Line
Superman Returns (just arrived this week)
Marvel Legends Showdown
Marvel Legends (very few figures right now)
Spider-Man Classics
Fantastic Four Movie

Overall, I enjoy shopping at Target much more.  Its actually one of the wife and I's favorite stores, to just shop for a variety of things.  Plus, we never seem to leave angry or frustrated just from the "shopping experience" like we do at WM.  Although they don't have the size/inventory of WM, our Target does carry a variety of action figure lines - more so than WM actually - and seem to be better at stocking, at least so far this year.  I'd probably skip WM altogether if I could, but it is quite a bit closer to us and easier to stop in at and check things out.  Our closest Target is further away, so its often picked over by the time I can get there.  One I've forgotten to mention is TRU, which hasn't really been too bad I guess.  They don't usually have a whole lot of Star Wars basic figures, but have had more than WM overall (they stick around longer at least).  They sometimes have some of the "other" lines stuff first (Titanium Ultra, Titanium figures) - even though I'm not necessarily interested in those things.  Also, they are the only place in town that carries the Fan4 Classics and X-Men lines from the Marvel side of things.  They also have a healthy stock of the DC stuff most of the time.  Anyways - back on the TSC subject, what stores have been the best to you this year?  Where do you prefer to shop?

Saga Collection '06 / Any TSC Pegwarmers?
« on: March 30, 2006, 04:11 PM »
I checked for a "pegwarmer" thread and didn't see one, unless I missed it, so hopefully I'm not repeating anything.  Has anyone started to see any pegwarming trends for The Saga Collection?  To be honest, around here things have sold pretty well when we've actually had stuff on the pegs.  The Carkoon wave came and went in a matter of days, only recently starting to show again with some remixed cases.  With the Hoth wave, there started to be some pileup of Rieekan, Veers, and Derlin...but those have since sold pretty well (prior to Target getting the pegs stocked full of them again this week).  The Geonosis wave has been hit and miss as well, with the bugs and Yoda being the ones usually left behind.  So far, even the things that have sat for a bit seem to start clearing out eventually.  I'd say overall, the biggest pegwarmers here thus far have been Poggle, Sun Fac, and Yoda.  Other than that, things seem to sell pretty well....particularly when there are price cuts (Target in particular sold much smoother at $5.89).  It does seem that the closer we get to the $7 price, the more stuff seems to sit.  The really popular stuff still goes, but the rest of the waves start to hang a bit more.  What have you been noticing in your area?

Odd title, but I didn't know exactly how to say it.  I was thinking, in the days of the original trilogy, the vintage line (aside from variations, etc.) basically had 85 figures in it for the three movies put together.  Things were repackaged/re-released, but as far as individual figures, 85 covered it for the three movies.  Aside from a few (Tarkin, Han Stormtrooper, Fleet Trooper, etc.) the characters seemed to be covered pretty well for the most part.  I was thinking, if you tried to do that today, who would you include in a "vintage-styled" prequel lineup?  If you had 80-90 figures to cover the three movies, who would you include?  Which background characters would make the cut and which wouldn't?  Could you limit the main characters to a handful of versions each, like Luke/Han/Leia were in the vintage times?  I was just curious who you would include in the lineup...whether you want to suggest just a few, or list all 85 of them.

Revenge of the Sith / Revenge of the Sith - The Jedi
« on: March 23, 2006, 04:37 PM »
To me, one of the high points of the ROTS line was the great Jedi figures we got.  Although we still didn't get an "ultimate" Mace Windu, and it would have been nice to see the Evo. Anakin figure to be released in the basic line, overall most of the Jedi got really nice, well articulated versions.  Going down the list:

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pilot)
SaeSee Tiin
Plo Koon
Agen Kolar
Shaak Ti
Kit Fisto
Ki Adi Mundi
Luminara Unduli
Aayla Secura

I was curious, after getting these versions of the Jedi, what did you do with the TPM/AOTC ones we got?  The way my display space is set up, my basic figures are basically in two glass for PT, one for OT.  I don't know if this will always work, but for now that is how they are set up.  Aside from the ROTS shelf, and having "main" Jedi like Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan displayed with their respective movies, I have all of my Jedi figures (including Jedi Council sets) on a shelf of their own.  A "Jedi" shelf.  After getting a few more figures the last couple of months, space is running thin in the prequel cabinet, so I've been thinking about packing up the "doubles" of Jedi from past movies, and just replacing them with the ROTS versions.  Have any of you packed any of these away, or any other figures for that matter, if you have newer, better versions of them?

Saga Collection '06 / Vehicles: Do You Collect/Display Them?
« on: March 10, 2006, 04:04 PM »
There's a few different vehicle threads in the forums, so forgive me if this is redundant at all.  I was just wondering how many of you collect the vehicles, and if you do, if you display them.  Are there only certain ones you buy (maybe OT or PT, or just new ones or properly scaled ones), or do you buy anything that is new or different?  Also, do you (and how do you) display them?  I have been looking at my vehicles lately, and while I do have them all out, they are tough to display sometimes because of their size and I'm pretty much out of room at this point.  With some more rumored this year that I'd like to pick up (Snowspeeder, AT-AT), as well as some other OT vehicles that I'd like to eventually pick up (Imp. Shuttle, Cloud Car, Y-Wing, Skiff, Sandcrawler, TIE Bomber), I know that space will be even more of an issue.  I've considered packing up some of the PT ships, but I really like some of them too.  Anyways, I was just wonder how many of you collect the vehicles.  If you have them, do you display them in a particular way or have to pack them up?

I was just curious, do any of you display the VOTC (and upcoming VTSC) figures seperate from the rest of your collection?  I guess this pertains mainly to a loose collection if you have one, but it could work for carded as well.  Do you have the figures displayed on their own in some way, or just integrated with the rest of your collection?  Right now, I have the VOTC 12 (along with a ROTS Pilot Obi, Evolutions ROTS Anakin, and Evolutions Palpatine) displayed on a small shelf on our computer desk.  I've been thinking about moving them into the display cabinets with the rest of the figures, but for some reason I've just kept them seperate right now.  No reason in particular, I just think they look kind of nice on their own.  With more figures like this on the way, I've been considering where I want to put them, and I was just curious what some of you have done (or hope to do).

The Prequel Trilogy / Who's the "Boba Fett" of the Prequel Trilogy?
« on: February 28, 2006, 01:07 PM »
Besides the obvious answer of "AOTC Boba Fett" :P.  I was curious, what character from the prequels do you feel is the "Boba Fett" of that trilogy?  With the OT, it seems like Boba was the character who many fans liked, and many kids thought was "cool", despite not having an overly large part in the movies.  He "looked cool" and that was enough really.  Do you feel there was a character in the prequels that has the same time of appeal?  Would it be someone like Darth Maul, who was technically a "main character" although he wasn't in the movies all that much.  Would it be someone like Commander Cody, who has a "cool" design, but is not much more than a supporting/background role?  Do you keep it in the family and go with Jango Fett, who had the same type of look?  Maybe one of the Jedi...Mace, Plo, Ki Adi, etc.?  Someone else entirely, or isn't there a character that necessarily fits the mold?

TV-9D9 / Animated OT-Era Show: Would You Like To See It?
« on: February 21, 2006, 03:41 PM »
After seeing some of the Gentle Giant upcoming animated statues, based on the Clone Wars-ish look but featuring Original Trilogy characters, I can't help but think what an animated Star Wars toon would be like if set in the OT time period.  Not that I don't like the idea of seeing further Clone Wars style toons, but a part of me wouldn't mind seeing Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Vader and our other favorites from the OT era.  It wouldn't have to necessarily focus on just the main characters, but it could explore other areas and characters not touched on in the movies.  Would anyone else be interested in something like this, or should the animated world stick to Clone Wars and other time periods?

I was curious what your favorite part of the overall "prequel era" of entertainment we've seen so far?  Did you like one of the movies the best, the prequel trilogy as a whole, or was the animated Clone Wars series something that seemed the best to you?  I really like all of it, and enjoy Revenge of the Sith the most of the movies, but something about the Clone Wars cartoon just seemed really cool to me.  I know many people mentioned that they seemed to get the relationships of Anakin/Padme and Anakin/Obi-Wan to almost come across better than they were portrayed in the movies, even with what little time they had to do that sort of things in the toon.  I kind of agree with portions of that, and I thought that the animated series was done well overall.  Not to discount the movies though, they all had high points, with ROTS being my favorite personally.  What did you like the best from the prequel offerings?

Although we certainly didn't have the depth of characters that have been offered in the modern line(s), from the main characters to characters who were on the screen for a blink of an eye, even to concept art characters.  However, as a kid and even as an adult, it seems like the vintage line covered the majority of the main characters, supporting cast, and army builders in the entirety of their line.  I was just curious, in your opinion, what - if anything - was missing?  If you could have picked another wave or two of figures to have been created back then, who was missing?  Grand Moff Tarkin seems like a good choice, and possibly others like the Han Stormtrooper, Rebel Fleet Trooper, Slave Leia, and maybe someone like Garindan?  Just a few ideas off the top of my head, but what are some you think should have maybe been included?

Other Collectibles / Vintage (Topps) Star Wars Cards
« on: February 3, 2006, 04:00 PM »
Does anyone here collect the vintage topps Star Wars card sets (or maybe already have them all)?  I bought some packs of cards as a kid, and those basically got ruined by the time I went looking for them as an adult again, so I've been interested in picking them up again if possible.  I picked up the ROTJ set a few years ago on ebay pretty cheap, and now I've turned my sights on the ESB set(s).  I'm not quite as familiar with these overall (didn't have many of these or ANH ones), so I've started researching them (mainly on  Are any cards, or card sets, particularly tough to find?  Anyways, just wondering if anyone else here collected these, or was interested in them at all...past or present.

Collections / Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« on: January 26, 2006, 01:19 PM »
I was curious where most of you display (or store) your collection?  Are you lucky enough to have your own "collection room" where you do nothing but display everything in all its glory?  Do you have it in a room with something else, such as "this is our office, and I display my collection here too"?  Is it spread throughout the house, with little parts in different areas?  Or, is it packed away in storage until it can see the light of day when the ultimate display area is ready for it?

For me, the majority of my collection is in our office, in a couple of display cabinets, a bookshelf, and on some shelving I put in a closet that isn't being used in there.  Some things have a place on our desk as well, but I'm trying to keep it from being too cluttered.  There are a few things in our basement family room as well, just things like mugs, plates, and a few posters.  Other than that, its basically in our office or in rubbermaids stored away.  I've got most of it out now, although I've considered starting to pack some of it up to keep it from becoming too cluttered.  Anyways, where does your collection call home right now?

Watto's Junk Yard / Lazy Sunday
« on: January 25, 2006, 01:02 PM »
I don't know if everyone has already seen/downloaded this, but a few weeks back on Saturday Night Live (Jack Black hosting), they had an SNL short titled "Lazy Sunday".  I was lucky enough to have watched that night and saw this, which I think is one of the funniest things I've seen SNL have on in quite some time.  Anyways, if anyone is interested in seeing this, I found it online HERE, or I think you can download a clearer version on iTunes.

Obviously it doesn't (and probably can't really) happen in the basic Hasbro figure line, as much as we'd like it too...since ships like the Falcon, AT-AT, Star Destroyers, etc. would be ginormous.  I wasn't sure if this was the right area to post this or not, but I figured Titanium, Action Fleet, Micro, etc. were as close as we could get.  I was looking at the Titanium stuff the other day at Target, and was tempted to pick up the Death Star, but saw other ships that were the same size.  Basically, I was wondering if there has ever been a vehicle line like this that was in scale with each other (if that makes sense)?  A line where the Falcon, TIE, X-Wing, Death Star, and Speeder Bikes weren't all the same size, but scaled close to correctly with each other.  Kind of an odd ball question, I know, but I was just curious if we've seen anything like this.  It would be nice to set up a vehicle display where the ships could be proportional to each other, and maybe even dream of a scaled Death Star, even if the ships had to be smaller to accommodate that.  Anyways...long question short, are any lines even close?

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