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Messages - Ben

Pages: 1 ... 380 381 382 383 384 [385] 386 387 388 389 390 ... 413
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Worst Movie Ever
« on: January 4, 2004, 06:20 PM »
I hate 'Rat Race'. It's so stupid, I can't sit through it.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Hoth Wave 2 toughts
« on: January 3, 2004, 09:36 PM »
If I get a Bren Derlin figure, he'd better come with an alternate USPS uniform and beer and pretzels. Hell, just put him in a two-pack with Norm. (I'm probably the only person in the world who'd get a kick out of Cheers figures.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's your price?
« on: January 3, 2004, 09:32 PM »
I guess $200,000 would be my price, because I'd have taken the job as soon as I heard the salary. But, I'm the kind of guy who willingly told a cashier a wrong, cheaper price for Marvel Legends. This whole Missing Integrity thing has gone too far methinks.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Great 2004 collectors challenge
« on: January 3, 2004, 09:29 PM »
My new total:
Added new Muppets purchases, as well as the Tatooine wave and two carded figures. I'm doing well on toys, but books, comics/magazines, and DVDs are on the upswing. Uh oh.

Question: Should we edit our posts, or just make a new post when we update?

Other Toy Lines / Re: Modern Masters of the Universe
« on: January 3, 2004, 09:27 PM »
Well, I'm one figure closer to being done with this line. BBTS has Khan in stock, so I ordered one and a Buffy figure.

Just need to find Roboto again and that'll be it. This line cannot possibly continue now that Target and Wal-Mart don't carry it anymore.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Burger King Glasses Figures!!!!!!
« on: January 3, 2004, 03:33 PM »
Wouldja lookit them. I guess they're alright, though I just want the glasses.

They could have found some better figures to stick with the prequel ones, IMO. I'm liking the Carkoon set too.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Ye Olde Nintendo
« on: January 3, 2004, 03:18 AM »
Check it out!! Easiest game on the internet.

I hate this damn dog.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Win A Date With Tad Hamilton - Good movie.
« on: January 3, 2004, 02:40 AM »
There was a sneak preview of this flick tonight. I didn't go, but that's probably how Angry Ewok saw it.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What does your JD forum member name mean?
« on: January 3, 2004, 01:19 AM »
Oh boy, I get to tell my tale again!!

When I was signing up at RS, I was looking for something that didn't really involve a Star Wars character's name or use the word 'Jedi', so my options were quite limited, as you can imagine. So, I initially came up with 'Lucas' Missing Integrity', based on my dislike at the time for the man. But, I didn't like it, and I gave up. A couple of days later I was going through my collection, and I realized I had something like 15 Darth Vader figures, and I noticed a lot of them had features that could easily have been combined, and therefore, less Vader figures. I figured Hasbro knew what they were doing, and had no integrity in the lot of them. (They are a corporation, after all.)

So BAM!!! Hasbro's Missing Integrity.

I shortened to HMI because it's handier and stuff. And it didn't fit anywhere else I tried to sign up at.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Great 2004 collectors challenge
« on: January 3, 2004, 01:07 AM »
Year to date: $0.00

I haven't bought anything this year besides grub, gas, and comics.

Dude, I've read just a few paragraphs, and it seems like the greatest Star Wars movie ever. Time will tell, I guess.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Distribution of Clone Wars Wave 3
« on: January 2, 2004, 08:21 PM »
Tiin can still be found around here. Kit takes a bit of work, but you can find if need be. Clones disappear quickly. Those really need to be recarded in the Saga line.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Finally Padme!
« on: January 1, 2004, 12:06 AM »
Ok, I did. I gotta say, it's probably the best $20 I've spent on Star Wars this year of 2003.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Finally Padme!
« on: December 31, 2003, 11:34 PM »
**** beans, I hate Hyperspace. Screw it, I'm gonna go sign up.

Middle Earth / Re: Lord of the Rings Figures
« on: December 31, 2003, 07:49 PM »
Damn, sweet Legolas. I still like the Rohan one better, but that's just based on the photos.

My wishlist:
Amon Hen Aragorn- my custom sucked. Wasted a Strider on that one.
Rivendell Elrond
Rivendell Arwen
A Galadriel that doesn't suck
More Prologue figures
New Gandalf the Grey
Amon Hen versions of Legolas, Boromir, and Gimli.
Rohirrim on Horseback-obvious pack missed by TB
Eomer in armor without a bug-catching mouth
whatever Eowyn figures TB can crank out, like maybe a Faramir/Eowyn 2-pack from the end of ROTK
and finally, Denethor.

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