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Messages - DoctorPadawan

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Bumping this from the depths of the trade board in the hopes that someone will going to Celebration V will take pity on me and help me out with some U-3P0 parts at Hasbro's Swap Meet. :)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: August 5, 2010, 08:23 PM »
Mistake one. Asking a Walmart employee a question.
Mistake two. Expecting a rational answer from said Walmart employee.

I've long since given up on one of my local Wal-Marts, and I have been referring to it as "The Land of Jerjerrod" for at least two years, since they've had a (very slowly declining) stock of 2006 TSC Jejerrods (currently 8 and counting!) for the past 4 years.  What makes it worse is we have a Hasbro rep in my area who will routinely come and clear the pegs of older figures, and the WM toy department manager just busts open the "RETURN FOR CREDIT" boxes and restocks the pegs with them.  So, if you're looking for any of those "recalled" Ugnaughts, Needas, Brainiacs, and Yarnas (along with 8 Jerjerrods!), I can tell you exactly where to find them.  :-\

This particular WM is also horrible about resets.  They didn't get the GI Joe movie toys until a month after the movie had opened (at which point everyone had already gotten all they wanted), and aside from the new Iron Man movie toys, they've had the exact same stock in the action figure aisle for the last 8 months.  A trickle of things sell, but they're never restocked.  Strangely, every Wal-Mart I've been into in the last 8 months looks like K-Marts usually look (i.e. someone's earlier analogy to a t-shirt gun being used to stock the shelves).  This from the company that claimed they were going to be the Number 1 toy retailer and drive Toys R Us out of business?  Yikes.

And to keep my post on topic, I bought the AT-AT at Toys R Us yesterday and, boy, is it a monster. :)

How's this for bizarre:  I mailed the check for Sgt. Bric on 07/24/2010, and I just noticed that it had been cashed on 07/29/2010.  This is the fastest I've ever seen a turnaround on a mailaway figure, at least as far as the check-cashing goes.  He probably still won't show up for several weeks (if not months), but I just thought I'd pass this along so everyone else could be on the lookout as well.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:57 PM »
Picked up the Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad and Clones and Droids Battle Packs from Target, along with the three Wave 1 deluxe sets (Anakin/Star Skiff, Bane/Pirate Speeder, and Plo/Speeder Bike) from 

Also grabbed the Saga Legends Battle Droid set from TRU earlier in the week (and was amazed that they are actually the Geonosis Arena SA versions from last fall and not the goofy 2002 Saga molds I was expecting Hasbro to cheap out with).  They even included two stands!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TCW 2010 Battlepacks
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:55 PM »
Just got the Clones and Droids and Anti-Hailfire sets at Target this morning, and overall I think they're great sets, for both kids and collectors.  I still think the Retail Droid is one of the most ridiculous designs that has ever been done in SW period, but the idea of a pop can with arms and legs is just silly enough to make for a fun action figure.  I was also impressed with his "head" articulation, as I was expecting just a solid piece.

I did experience a problem with the AHFDS set, particularly the Tank Gunner Commander figure.  This probably isn't the best place to ask this, but long story short, the figure's right leg was unattached at the knee joint (i.e. the point where the peg goes into the thigh; the lower leg literally fell out of the peg/hole section upon opening it).  There's no damage to the joint or the figure, but as I am severely impaired when it comes to even simple customizations or assembling figures, my technique of "push until it pops into place" has not paid off thus far.  Does anyone have any quick and easy suggestions as to how I can push the (extremely difficult to insert) knee peg into the thigh hole?

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra (POC)
« on: July 30, 2010, 12:34 PM »
The local Target has been resetting the action figure aisle over the last week, and put out 2 cases of Wave 1 earlier this week.  I picked up Cobra Commander, Snow Job, Beach Head, Alley Viper, and Firefly, and two days later when I went back, all that was left were the multiple Dukes, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadows.  :)

I have to say that I was beyond impressed with Snow Job.  I don't think I recall a figure coming with this many accessories at this price point, especially one from Hasbro; the only one that is comparable is the ROC Pit Trooper, although I'd say Snow Job beats him in how all his accessories can be packed on the figure itself.  I mean, he comes with a frigging frying pan!  This is, all in all, probably the best Joe figure I've gotten since the RAH days back in the 80's, and definitely the most fun figure this year.  The other figures are nice, but Snow Job is the winner, hands-down.

My only complaint is with Beach Head, mainly when it comes to his weaponry.  All the other figures have the ability to carry/pack their weapons (Firefly's backpack even holds his extra head), but Beach's plethora of guns have nowhere to go; not even a holster for the pistol.  Plus, and maybe I just got a bad one, the knife sheath on his back doesn't even have a knife that goes in it, making it a little useless.  Even though he's sculpted well, and has more accessories than you can shake a stick at, I can't help but feel a little disappointed that he doesn't have a backpack or anything to carry all of it around with him.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TRU Exclusive Nikto Guard?
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:41 PM »
From the Hasbro Customer Relations Manual:

"When asked a question regarding upcoming product by consumers, Hasbro staff should respond as follows:

-If the question is asked between March and July of the year, your response should be, "We will be revealing more at ComicCon in July."

-If the question is asked between August and February of the year, your response should be, "We will be revealing more at Toy Fair in February."

-If a secondary convention (such as a con dedicated to a particular property, such as BotCon, JoeCon, SW Celebration, or My Little Pony Horse Fetish Ball-O-Rama) takes place in the interim between ComicCon and Toy Fair, your response can be "We wanted to save something to reveal at (insert convention name here), so you'll have to stay tuned until then!"

-If anyone asks any question regarding Tonnika Sisters, piss-poor case assortments across all lines, Human Alliance Mudflap, the nonexistence of anyone not wearing a suit of armor in the Marvel Universe line on the pegs, and/or extended, nonsensical six-month long droughts in new product, you are hereby authorized to shout, "Look, it's Jesus!", throw a smoke grenade, and jump out any open window to avoid unruly fanboys."


The Legacy Collection / Re: Empty Target Pegs
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:31 PM »
I wonder if that new "marquee" area that they have in most stores that has recently featured Iron Man 2, Bakugan and Toy Story 3 is going to be used to feature the new Star Wars stuff in a couple of weeks.

From what I've seen, Pete, that section is going to be used for the new Transformers stuff that's coming out at the end of this month (and that has been out at TRU for the past several weeks).  My Target was in the midst of doing a huge reset of the entire toy department and the only lines that still had dedicated space at the moment were Iron Man, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, and Toy Story.  One entire side of the aisle had been cleared and had the "Something New is Coming Soon" signage on the wall, so I'd assume this is where the fall Hasbro onslaught of SW, GIJ:POC, and the regular TF section are going to wind up.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra (POC)
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:26 PM »
Grabbed the new HISS earlier this week from TRU (since apparently Target isn't going to be carrying the 25 buck vehicle assortment), and despite it being this weird brown color, it's a great toy.  There are a shitpile of stickers, though, so prepare your tweezers and fingers for a long afternoon.  One cool thing about the stickers is there are multiple letter/number labels included so you can do your own customized legion number or what have you.  Just looking at mine, I think it'd look good as a Mandalorian tank for SW, so one could always use "THX-1138" or something for that purpose. :)

A friend of mine commented that the color is the same as the color Hasbro has used on "brown coat" Hoth Han figures for the last 15 years (you know, that "it's almost real brown but slightly off" color), so that may clarify it for those of you who are on the fence based on color alone.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:17 PM »
Just wanted to (at least locally) confirm the "expansion" of Target's MU section to 4 pegs.  Walked in this morning to find them FILLED with two cases' worth of the wave 8 "variant" case.  Got a Kitty, Colossus, "Death" Archangel, and Classic Havok for myself; by the time I went back later to pick up a Juggy and an AIM Soldier for some friends, all the Havoks, Kittys, and Deaths were gone.  The odd part was that they didn't have the original "winged" Archangel and the original Havok; hopefully those will show up in a revision case at some point in the near future.

The thing that sucks about the Classic Havok is that his headpiece is a separate piece attached to the center of his head (on front and back) by tiny pegs, and Hasbro's tight-as-crap packaging causes it to warp, which leads to it inevitably flopping to the side of his head upon removing him from the package.  Clones being unable to hold their guns is annoying enough, but to have a figure's head not look right?  Unacceptable.  I shouldn't have to superglue a figure together within seconds of opening it.

Also picked up the variant head Jim Lee Wolverine earlier in the week at a comic shop for only slightly above regular retail (this comic shop doesn't resell and orders directly from Diamond, so I didn't feel bad about it).  Definitely improves the figure overall by a longshot. 

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Luke Skywalker's Snowspeeder
« on: July 4, 2010, 01:18 PM »
(I'm in the midst of trying to translate the Aurabesh inscription on the side of the ship and will update this post once I have it finished) :)

Jesse beat you to it. ;)

Weird, mine doesn't say that (although I haven't even tried to do the translation under the "ZZ" inscription).  Here's what I got:

(under the laser cannon itself, right side of vehicle): 


(on the "step" portion where Jesse's TF photo was taken, again, on the right side of mine):


And, on the removable cannon part (over the removable access panel):


So, it looks like mine (at least) is different from the one shown at Toy Fair that Jesse saw/translated.  I like what he saw better, actually.  I was kind of hoping that one of the translations would have been "BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE." :)

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Luke Skywalker's Snowspeeder
« on: July 4, 2010, 01:04 PM »
It's sounding like a broken record (in a good way), but I got this from late in the week, and it's just pretty damned near perfect.  The inclusion of the alternate firing guns (both front and back) was a very nice gesture from Hasbro, especially with how little things like this tend to get dropped due to costing issues on a lot of other items.  Both Luke and Dack fit perfectly in the cockpit (and their hands fit the controls!), the little spot for Luke's harpoon gun is a great touch, and I can't get over just how nice this thing looks.  This is a 10/10 all around for Hasbro, and I really hope they do a "red" repaint for Wedge somewhere down the line.

(I'm in the midst of trying to translate the Aurabesh inscription on the side of the ship and will update this post once I have it finished) :)

Quite a big week for me, collecting-wise.  Thanks to the good people at Toys R Us, I was able to get the following:

Vintage Figures:

-Hoth Leia
-Echo Base Han
-Bespin Luke
-AT-AT Commander
-Boba Fett
-Cloud Car Pilot

Vintage/SOTDS Vehicles (via

-Cloud Car several HFTD Transformers (Leader Starscream, Voyager Seaspray, Deluxe Ironhide, Ravage, and BB), a GI Joe POC HISS Tank for a friend, and an animated CW Grievous (which is a great figure, btw).

If this is going to be the level of quality for the Vintage stuff for the duration of the line, color me excited.  Even the Echo Base Han and Threepio, which are, IMO, the "lesser" of the first wave, are still very nice and worth picking up.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: June 27, 2010, 02:00 PM »
Picked up the first wave of Generations deluxes earlier this week at my TRU, and they're, overall, pretty nice.  My only gripe is with the WFC Bumblebee, as he is extremely difficult to get to stay together in vehicle mode; the panels don't line up exactly with one another, and there are frequently "gaps" in the body where the panels meet.  He's great in robot mode, though; however, as I only have access to a Wii, I will never play the game, so I will also never know how accurate he and Prime are.

So, does anyone know if Hasbro is going to rerelease Classics Thundercracker now that they've confirmed Dirge as an eventual Generations deluxe release?  It'd be nice to have all 6 Seekers, but I didn't know if the Botcon folks still had dibs on Thundercracker in the US.

Also, how nice that Hasbro is giving us a repaint of HA Sideswipe, yet still can't get Mudflap back into the assortment.   >:(

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: June 27, 2010, 01:54 PM »
At this point, unless Hasbro has some DVD push planned, we're never going to see the Hammer Drones, Whiplash or any of the rest at retail.  I just can't see it happening.  I would even be surprised if Hasbro could salvage a TRU exclusive release for the wave containing those figures. 

I was talking to a friend about this TRU Battle Pack, and was thinking how Hasbro should use that opportunity to do an end-line ditch for the IM2 movie figures instead of even producing any more single carded movie-based figures.  Have one BP be the Fury, IM (with the RDJ head/face as a swappable part), and two drones; have a second BP include Black Widow, War Machine (with the Don Cheadle head/face), and the two other drones.  That still leaves Whiplash out in the cold, but they could still do an exclusive single carded figure for TRU so it would at least be out there, or even have it as a FWP item if you buy both Battle Packs. 

At this point, if anything else from the IM2 movie toys shows up at retail, I'll be shocked.  I'd go as far as to say that this line is an even bigger disaster than Indy, since there were 6 basic Indy figures across 4 waves of figures, and there have least 18 Iron Men across the same number of waves?

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