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Messages - RollaJedi

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I'm thinking of doing the droid who calls everyone 'meatbags' from the KOTR game.  Can't figure out which base figure to use though (in 6" scale)

doesnt have to be fan-fic, does it?

Newbies / Re: Evil Yoda is here
« on: August 1, 2005, 01:56 PM »
thank you all!!  Good to be here!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: RollaJedi's Customs
« on: August 1, 2005, 01:37 PM »
when I used to do 3 3/4" figures (1999-2002) before I "retired" for a while, I cooked them in the oven on an aluminum pie plate.  Since then, I have a new house and my wife doesnt want me to do them in the oven because it using up too much energy or something.  So, I now use a hairdryer and it works just as good. 

My first figure I ever did was of Odan-Urr from tales of the jedi: golden age of the sith.  I DID melt him though as I left him in there too long.  So, he is the only figure I have that has no articulation, and is basically a statue that I recreated by sculpting him from scratch.  Its definitly not my favorite figure I've done, but then again, it was my first one too!  :)

I'll post pics from my other customs as I take them.  The rest are 3 3/4" and I'm not super-proud of them because they were from my early customizing days.  They are:
Odan-Urr (Jedi Knight) <from tales of the jedi: golden age of the sith>
Massassi Warrior <from tales of the jedi: the sith war>
Gank Killer (Bounty Hunter) <from dark empire>
Cthon (Subterranean Cannibal) <from darth maul: Shadow hunter>
and non sw figures too:
marty mcfly <from back to the future>
Sloth <from the goonies>

yes, the only pics of this are in the 'tales of the jedi: the golden age of the sith'.  It happens about 5000 years before a new hope.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: RollaJedi's Customs
« on: August 1, 2005, 10:40 AM »
thanks guys!  :)

That gorc I made in 1999 took about 2 months to do because back then, I completly used the crappy, cheap white sculpy thats cheap and sells at wm, so it was more difficult to sculpt and took forever to bake!  The naga sadow I finished this month took only a week, so I've gotten faster, thats for sure!

Yeah, thats what I thought too!  :)
Although, the Jedi of that era used lightsabers, but they were still very primitive.  The sabers had a cord attached from the hilt to a battery on their belts. 
Can you say 'extension cord?'

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: RollaJedi's Customs
« on: July 30, 2005, 10:43 PM »

Here is one I did about 1999.  I havent posted my previous customs since I couldnt get decent photos of them and the fact that they were my early attempts and I don't think they were that good.

This one is of Gorc, the behemoth dark Jedi from Dark forces II: Jedi Knight.  I used a WWF bad ass billy gunn extreme sweat figure as the base figure.  Everything else is sculpy.  The lightsaber hilt is a scope from a 12" GI Joe sniper figure and the lightsaber is a cheapo orange paintbrush with the paintbrush part taken off.

actually, the ancient sith didnt have lightsabers, but they focused their dark powers through crystals, which they used to make swords and other weaponry.  Naga here is supposed to have a big, crystal sword, but I havent tackled that yet. 

Star Wars Action Figures / RollaJedi's Customs
« on: July 30, 2005, 12:24 PM »
Naga Sadow (Sith Lord)     finished July, 2005

Made from a 6" WWE jaks pacific Booker T figure.  I used sculpy 3 for all armor, Walmart scrap bin fabric for the cape/cloak and dress thing, and a necklace I got on clearance and dismantled for the chains.

Here is a pic of what the figure looked like before I customized it.  It is a 6" booker t WWE wrestling figure my kid had laying in a box in the basement.  Everything added was made from sculpy 3 and sculpy super flex.  I got the cloth from walmart fabrics scraps bin, and the chains are a clearanced necklace I bought and dismantled.  I love to sculpt though and use sculpy on everything I do.   

Well, here is my first finished picture of my most recent custom and my edition of the custom challenge for July, Sith.  Enjoy! 

Its is of Naga Sadow, a Sith Lord who would later go on to be a Dark Lord of the Sith.  He is the first Sith to return from exile to the Republic to try and conquer it.  His plans are foiled by the Jedi, and he must flee back to his Sith Empire.  However, he is also exiled from there as well, and retreats to an unknown planet called Yavin IV.  There, his Massassi Warriors erect shrines and temples for him until one day he would come out of hiding.

I've got my sith lord done for July, so what is the custom challenge for august, anyways? 

A suggestion I have for one is maybe pod racers.  There are a lot of diverse characters already in TPM and racer, racer revenge games, plus it would be really cool what you could do as a fan fic character as well.

Newbies / Evil Yoda is here
« on: July 29, 2005, 04:06 PM »
Hello folks!  I just joined this site and wanted to tell a little about myself.  I collect mainly sw hasbro action figures (loose completist), I love to customize figures (6" scale because I like putting more details in), and updating my website.  The site is RollaJedi's Euniverse (formerly RollaJedi's Online Empire).  Its located at
The reason I made the site is to put my customs online and its part of a project I'm doing.  I started at the beginning of the sw chronlogy, and I'm working my way forward through all the games, books, comics, movies, etc., placing them on a timeline.  In each entry, I break down the story into charts, showing where characters go, who dies, and key points.  You'll just have to see it.  I can't explain it too well. 
I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I'm really focused and determined.  It just started not long ago (so its still in its infancy right now and won't do anybody much good yet). 
The purpose of this is for people who have read books, comics, played the games and such, but can't retain the information (like me!) after a while.  This is kinda a quick review for those people that don't like to have to go back and re-read a novel or whatever.  I also include in each entry pics of the key characters so you'll know what the character looks like while reading.  Even in the novels, where there is no pics!  (I'm drawing them myself based on descriptions.  I'm an artist too by the way).

So, hope you check it out and it helps ya later on.  Cya all around the boards!


Hello everyone!
I'm new here and was invited by CHEWIE to join the monthly customs challenge you have here.

A little about me: I'm a mod at, I love sw figure collecting (loose completist), customizing (I use 6" scale to get more details), and running my site RollaJedi's Euniverse.  My main focus on customs is the EU.

I'll be posting pics of my customs challenge for this month soon.  Its of the sith lord, Naga Sadow from The Golden Age of the Sith comic series.  Thanks!

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