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Messages - ThePerennial

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Modern Trading / Re: Custom 4 Custom?
« on: July 11, 2005, 11:09 PM »
oh man, This is a great, great idea! An awesome way for some of our customs to get circulated or if we really want some customs of others, we can do a trade! Awesome idea, I love it!

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: question?
« on: July 11, 2005, 11:07 PM »
 I'm horrible at putting dullcoats and matte coats and what-not, as I'm not the best of painters, so I prefer to use Tamiya Paints. They're great, but they cost a bit more than apple barrel and the like. They also work A LOT better than apple barrel and what not in that it needs no prep work. just slab on a few coats and you're done! Nothing scrapes or anything! Also, it works a lot better than Citadel paints, believe it or not and costs half as much, so it's in between citadel and apple barrel in it's price range. The jars I buy are slightly larger than the citadel paint and cost half as much. A great deal if you ask me. A pet peeve it may have on some customisers is that Tamiya acrylics are thick, but I like them thick. I just dry brush a few coats with tamiya until I get complete coverage.

 I miss Tamiya paints. My local hobby store sht down and I can't find amy more. I used it all up on school projects and I have no more for my customs! I want some for my customs!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: ThePerennial's Customs
« on: July 11, 2005, 11:01 PM »
Wow, you guys guessed (Almost) all the right parts! I'm impressed!

 I just love that upside-down luke head, I wanted to put it to use. Fenn was almost going to be a zabrak spacer, but I made a last-minute decision and I think it turned out great. You can't see it from the picture, but the neck is slightly our of proportion in that it's too long. I like it, though: It doesn't bother me when I look at it from a front view, but when I look at it from the back, he looks like a frigging giraffe!

 You guesses on the Nikto Jedi were impressive! I did use the Saga Nikto Jedi's head and hands, AND I used the Kit Fisto Body, but what I really like about this is his legs. I would bever have thought to use them if I didn't wee them in my spare parts bin, but there they were: a Pair of Saga Lando in skiff guard disguise legs. The boots just go so well with the nikto! I don't know wbout you, but whenever I think "Nikto", I always remember that great battle scene on the skiff, and the boots just remind me of that; which is why I thought it so befitting for the nikto.

Thanks Perennial.  I had considered that, but didn't like the lack of articulation.   :(


 Oh, that's true. I love articulation as well, so I can relate :)

Haha, that's great!  I like the backstory. 
I think you should try giving the body a paintjob to distinguish him some more from regular clone pilots though.l

 Thanks for the comments guys! I was actually thinking of painting his white body armour and gloves and moonboots, but I wasn't too sure what colour. Any suggestions?

Well, here's my late submission for the Smuggler Challenge: Balosar Spacer/Smuggler  Fenn Sleazebaggano. He's a relative of Elan Sleazebaggano, the low-life at the Outlnader club who tried to sell Obi-Wan some deathsticks. Incidentally, Fenn is Elan's Drug smuggler, among other odd jobs.

 Whoo, I've been on Jedidefender's Customizing forums for a while without even posting some of my customs! Well, after much procrastination, here are some:

Nikto Jedi

Super-duper articulated Clonetrooper

 Since everyone's done one, I figured I'd do one, except I have no dremel, so I shaved the Tank Gunner's pelvis into two pegs that would fit into the SA clonetrooper's pelvis pegholes. It was easy but took time. I really love the end result:

   This is my late submission for Chewie's Smuggler Challenge: Balosar Spacer/Smuggler  Fenn Sleazebaggano. He's a relative of Elan Sleazebaggano, the low-life at the Outlnader club who tried to sell Obi-Wan some deathsticks. Incidentally, Fenn is Elan's Drug smuggler, among other odd jobs.

That's a crazy big lot of customs you've shelled out! I love the DarkTrooper, although I feel as if a POTF2 Stormie wiuld have been a better choice for the body because of the Darktrooper's sheer bulkiness.

I haven't seen the 5-packs at retail yet...I got mine from red5sixx, aka I think he still has a few, but they were selling like hotcakes!

I hope to get a few customs up this weekend before I head off to San Diego for Comic-Con...if not, it'll be a full week before I can make it back to post anything new.


 Man, Red5sixx's shop has everything! Times like this I wish I had an e-bay account (Or maybe some money, for that matter)  ;)

Anyone have any more Smugglers to submit?


I've got a zabral spacer/smuggler that I'll post later. I still have to sand down the neckpost on the body, though.

Like I said on RS, I love it. Simple yet effective!

 PS: You have a PM!

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #11 - Siege on Rhen Var
« on: July 4, 2005, 10:32 PM »
What can I say that hasn't been said, shewie? I love Siege On Rhen Var and how reminiscent it is of battlefront!

You can call him shewie, I don't think I've heard that one before. :) :P

Ugh, Typoes.

Modern Trading / Re: MOMC and loose figs for trade
« on: July 3, 2005, 04:24 PM »
PM coming your way

Hey dimetrodon, are you selling whole protions of your collection or are you interested in selling individual figures? I'm interested in buying things for my collection if it's cheap/ if I really want it.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Vacation!
« on: July 2, 2005, 01:20 PM »
Have an awesome good time while you're gone, and party extra hard for me on the fourth of july because I won't be able to join in any major festivities that day, since I'm Canadian and all the good parties here happened on Canada day last night :P

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