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I'd recommend the search tools or you'll likely waste lots of time.

There's a few others but this one is the Rebelscum of Transformers.  I've only dealt with the locals though..

I have what is probably a stupid Transformers question, but thought I would come to the experts.  There just seems to be so many lines out there (past and present), and it is tough for me to keep it all straight.  I followed the 80s toon, had some Transformers as a kid - and a few more as an adult - but can't keep track of all the rest overall. question...

One of the things I always wanted to do as a kid, and now, was to pick up the original dinobots.  I had Slag (the triceratops, my favorite), but had always hoped to get Grimlock, Sludge, Swoop, and Snarl as well.  Anyways, I was wondering what would be the best route for these?  I know that Grimlock has come out a few different ways, but are any of these coming out in some sort of vintage re-release or similar anytime soon (or maybe have in the past?).  Am I best off just trying to piece the actual vintage toys together?

I haven't picked up Transformers stuff for awhile now, aside from one of the re-released Primes and Sideswipe (another childhood favorite), and prior to that some of the Classics (or Classics styled) stuff.  I do have the Grimlock from that line, but was sort of starting to lean more towards the vintage (or re-released) stuff.  I can't afford to do a lot of Transformers, but always loved the dinobots as a kid and wanted to pick up the original four to five from the tv series.  Anyways, thanks again, any advice is appreciated.

A lot of the transformers stuff gets reproduced or knocked off by some 3rd party.  If you want the original styles, I would go with the reissues.  You can buy all five on Amazon for about $300 boxed.

You might be able to find a deal on another site or Ebay, but $300 is pretty good.  You could also go with WST Dinobots for about $100.  These are 4-5" versions of the original toys with similar look and transformations.  If you have patience and really want to upgrade, there are a few 3rd party companies making 12-15" Masterpiece editions that have incredible detail.  These are just starting to hit but search for FT Scoria to see pictures.  These will probably end up costing $800 to $900, but will take a good year to roll them.all out, so you have some time to get your finances in order. 

Hope that helps!

Oh man does this look cool...

MP-22 Ultra Magnus. I always loathed the G1 toy (brick!), but this looks like it will make up for those shortcomings.

I'm not sold on Magnus yet, but I'm liking him more and more.  This is the guy that everyone's talking about on the boards though...



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