Collecting > Collections

Where Does Your Collection Reside?

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I have been fortunate enough to have my stuff mostly in a controlled, dry, cool basement through most of my years.  The stuff I had I had in more "exposed areas" like a garage has mostly survived, but I have noticed warping on some of my older POTF2 stuff that was exposed to extreme temps. 

Do you have any opportunity to move your other storage out into the garage?  I have to think that ornaments and cake pans and crap can weather the garage environment better than your toys.  Maybe build up some cool, easy access shelving in the garage to get your wife on board with it, then you have more space to work your toys or other stuff into.

What is considered to be the critical temperature threshold? I have all my stuff in a finished attic space, and we have air vents in there but it cools poorly and on 99 degree+ day it is usually pretty warm, low 80's I would estimate. I am very concerned about this lately, not sure how to mitigate the impact though.


--- Quote from: McMetal on July 18, 2012, 01:37 PM ---What is considered to be the critical temperature threshold? I have all my stuff in a finished attic space, and we have air vents in there but it cools poorly and on 99 degree+ day it is usually pretty warm, low 80's I would estimate. I am very concerned about this lately, not sure how to mitigate the impact though.

--- End quote ---

I don't know if anyone's ever identified measures to go with this.  Generally I think the cooler, dryer, and darker the better.

Right now my collection of 30 or so POTF2 carded figures are in star cases in a tote inside the house... I'll display them at some point... keeping them out of the sun is my biggest priority in the house.

It was listening to the recent episodes of the Toy Run podcast (highly recommend), and they were doing a Q and A about themselves, their collecting, etc. Anyways, their answers about their collection made me think of this thread again. I'm surprised at how many collectors basically don't display much (or any) of their collections. I know I have quite a bit stored away as well, which is probably the story for the majority if us, but it always bothers me to just have stuff sitting in totes forever (part of the reason I've started to sell some of those things).

I think it can be a tough balance, particularly when you have a smaller display area, to have stuff out but at the same time not have things too full and packed to the gills. I know I've been working towards the "less is more" approach, which is an ongoing battle. Anyways, where does your collection reside these days? How much, if any, do you display?


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