Author Topic: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 12/16) Custom Challenge entries  (Read 65933 times)

Offline darth_ripley

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #90 on: April 5, 2006, 11:38 PM »
the unamed clone from clone wars is capt. fordo as seen in the databank :

6. Captain Fordo: ARC Captain Fordo burst onto the scene, leading a team against General Grievous as well as a horde of Separatists on Coruscant in Volume 2 of the Clone Wars animated series. With his dual-pistols and take no prisoners attitude, Fordo quickly became a fan favorite.

the Fordo custom is great, the emblems on the helmet look great, i really like this one a lot.

my favorite however is the mando-wok, very original - i love it!

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #91 on: April 5, 2006, 11:49 PM »
Apparently I had a brain spazm and missed this latest update by you Darth Ennis... I apologize for that.  Your work is so fun to see... I think maybe some of them I did see like the Rykrof, Padme, Screed and Yellow Clone, all of which are fantastic!

The others I know this is the first time I've seen them.

Mando Wok - If that's not funny (and cool) nothing is. Very funny for the April Fool's custom, I regret not being able to make something for this.  Great sculpting and very original idea.

Scorch - Great job!  And you know, I would never think this is a custom, that's how seemless the legs are you made.  Wow, much better than Hasbro's version.

Coruscant Commander - That's fantastic.  Great use of a Bantha5 head... I don't know what to say other than I need to get one of those sculpts, and if I do, I hope it turns out half as good as yours.


Offline Gregorbian

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #92 on: April 5, 2006, 11:57 PM »
Wow, nice update Ennis, sorry I haven't been keeping up with your thread :-\

That Mando Ewok is unbelievably cool! I love the helmet (and his ears sticking out), great sculpting all around!  Very creative and well executed  :)

Capt. Fordo looks great too, did you sculpt the helmet or is that a cast from somebody?  Either way, nice work. 

Admiral Screed came out very well.  The sculpting is (again) very well done and looks seamless.  Nice use of the lower trenchcoat from the German ww2 figure.  I destroyed 3 of them when I applied a base coat of primer (for some reason the soft rubber of the trenchcoat became very tacky).  Did you just apply regular acrylic paint to the lower coat?
The scariest thing that I've ever seen,
Is the terrible AT-AT walking machine.
It's as big as a house on walking legs,
and whatever it steps on it crushes like eggs.

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #93 on: April 6, 2006, 09:57 AM »
The one I like the best is the Mando Wok. I like the sculpted armor and the colors. I wish the helmet was removable. Admiral Screed is a great example of this character done movie style. Someday I'll have to make one.
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Offline Darth_Ennis

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #94 on: April 6, 2006, 05:00 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, as you all well know by now they are always much appreciated. ;D

Now on to the individual answers. ;)

Findswoman- Im glad you like the Padme. I had originally had a cape for her. BUt due to my extreme lack of tailoring skills.... it, like just about all of my softgoods work ended in disaster. :-[ I definately want to get s cloak for her someday, she just doesnt really look right without it.

Ripley- Thanks for naming Capt. Fordo for me. I've heard the name before, I just didnt know that was him.

Chewie- Scorch  was a simple legswap from a SA clone. Unfortunately, the scorch legs didnt swap onto the poor clone test subject as well. :'( So looks like Ive got another project fodder on my hands. Even Ive got to admit the paint job is one of my best. Im really amazed with how good it came out.

BTW on another note I will be posting an alternative uniform for my Rykroff. I wanted to post what Kurse actually looks like so I swapped the head onto another body. Pics will be forth coming.

Gregorbian- Long time no see. ;D The Fordo head is from Bantha 5. I got them a couple of months back, when I was still active on RS. As far as the paint on the coat goes, I just airbrushed it with the cheap Walmart craft paint. I had to thin it out a little but so far it hasnt chipped, or grown tacky. That little 20 dollar model airbrush from Wally World is one of the best investments Ive ever made.

And I am glad everyone enjoyed the Mando-Wok. I will be making a companion Mando warrior using that color schemehopefully he turns out as well. Though I do wish his helmet was removable too.

Offline Darth_Ennis

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Quinlin Vos
« Reply #95 on: April 10, 2006, 12:10 PM »
Well, I finally went and done it. I was really in the zone yesterday, and I cobbled quin together from parts that I had lying around. This in my opinion is one of the coolest customs Ive ever done. And I didn't spend a dime on it. ;D

The body was from leftover Palpatine parts, the arms were Gung Ho, the head is Scalpel, and the belt and tunic were from an anakin. All parts culled from other projects that Ive done. For the most part JUNK.

The dreads are leftover thread from the Tonnika project and the hands were probably left over from that scrap anakin as well with little strips of tape wrapped around it. The chest armor is sculpey and the shoulder pad is frok a clone. Let me know what you think.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Quinlin Vos
« Reply #96 on: April 10, 2006, 12:21 PM »
This is very well done and I agree, one of your best customs!  You did such a great job on the hair too, I might have to go back and redo mine now.  Man this is great!

The arms seem a bit thick to me but not where it takes away from the figure.  I really like the eyes (he always seems to have big alert eyes) and the chest armor is awesome.  But it's the hair that really sells the figure to me.


Offline Darth_Ennis

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/10)
« Reply #97 on: April 10, 2006, 12:41 PM »
Well, I have a couple more additions. Mostly Imperials. Probably several you havent heard of. ;D What can I say I thrive on obscurity.

Capt. Thrawn.

What can I say everyones got to start somewhere. This character is almost a year in the making, I finally finished him the other night. This would be Thrawn as he appeared in the Clone Wars.

Next Warlord Zinj.

Never heard of him? Most people havent. This portly evil little warlord appears in the Rouge Squadron series and not much else. He was once a Sgt. Garcia from the old Zorro line. I got his pic out of the Essiential Guide to Characters.

Offline Jedi_Master_Ben

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #98 on: April 10, 2006, 09:52 PM »
Hi there Darth_Ennis,

Well I have to say, this last batch of customs are something else. Great looking.

Capt. Thrawn: I love the choice of head for this guy. Very menecing and cold calculating expression. Nice work! Paint job is flawless. I really can't offer any more suggestions for this custom. Great job.

Warlord Zinj: Now this is an interesting character. I am not very strong on UE stuff other than some comics and books I read. Nice face choice. It matches the rotund look of the upper torso. I would recommend re thinking the leg choice. Most figures that protray a obeese character have short and stubby legs. These are not very proportion to the torso. I would recommend looking at some anatomy for the artist books that show proper proportions of the human body and body fat distribution. In short, the legs need to be more fuller like the Rancor Keeper legs. That figure is properlly ballanced. Fat charaters are not always the easiest to get right without doing some initial research study on the subject. I think if you can get the legs sized up, this figure would change from good to fantastic. I know how nerve wracking it is to post your work for the world to see. You have alot of great stuff on here and I only want to help you grow and become better with every new custom you make. I hope you do not take this the wrong way, I really like the concept of this figure and everything eles you made. You are very talented and I for see you becomming a great artist. I wish you luck with this figure and I always look forward to see new works from you.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2006, 10:05 PM by Jedi_Master_Ben »
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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #99 on: April 10, 2006, 10:10 PM »
Great EU Characters. I'm not very familiar with Zinj, but I believe he's from the X-Wing books? Not sure.

Thrawn, of course, is one of my all time favorite SW villains. I was working on a Grand Admiral version of him, from the Thrawn triogy of course, but botched the job and got side tracked.

I love the black officer uniform design on him, and the head choice fits very well!
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Offline MetalJedi

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Re: Quinlin Vos
« Reply #100 on: April 10, 2006, 10:46 PM »
I think the only thing I would do is put a small black outline on the face paint just so it shows up better. Other than that its an outstanding custom. The real hair compliments it very well.
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Re: Quinlin Vos
« Reply #101 on: April 10, 2006, 10:57 PM »
Now you just need a smoke machine and a small moon. ;)

Looks Great! I love the Quinlan Vos Revolution that seems to have swept the collecting community.

I just wish he'd wear his Jedi robes again, at least once. :)

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Re: Darth_Ennis' Monster Garage ( Updated 4/01)
« Reply #102 on: April 11, 2006, 11:21 PM »
I don't think I ever commented on the Mando-Wok but that thing made me laugh out loud.  It was just great!

Offline MetalJedi

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Re: Quinlin Vos
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2006, 08:08 PM »
I just wish he'd wear his Jedi robes again, at least once. :)

Check out Republic #81-83
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Re: Quinlin Vos
« Reply #104 on: April 12, 2006, 09:26 PM »
Not bad at all. I'm not a fan of the stringy hair, as a personal prefrence. I too think if you give him a slight black line along his facial paint, it'll do him good. Very awsome custom, my friend.

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