Collectibles > 30th Anniversary Collection

30AC Prices - Sales, Discounts, Price Hikes!

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For some reason, they weren't taking PayPal tonight and thereby lost my $110 transaction. Boo and Hiss! I know they'll be loosing some sleep over that!  :P

I checked our local store yesterday, since they had been getting portions of the Final 22 over the past month or so (the first wave/Wave 8).  Of course, there wasn't much there unless I wanted repacked Emperor Palpatines or Jerjerrods.  Hopefully it does clear the pegs for some new stuff though, that would be great.

I didn't realize, but does this sale include the ships?  I almost picked up a white TIE at our local store this weekend, but thought I'd wait til they hit Target/Wal-Mart for $19.99 instead of the $24.99 TRU charges.  If it is BOGO, I might just go ahead and pick one up (or two).


--- Quote from: Brian on February 19, 2007, 09:12 AM ---I didn't realize, but does this sale include the ships?  I almost picked up a white TIE at our local store this weekend, but thought I'd wait til they hit Target/Wal-Mart for $19.99 instead of the $24.99 TRU charges.  If it is BOGO, I might just go ahead and pick one up (or two).

--- End quote ---

The ad states it's BOGO for "all Star Wars action figures and accessories", and my TRU had a sign up that said "ALL SW TOYS BOGO", so I'd be going ahead with the TIEs, Brian. :)

I was able to get two Unleashed Geonosis 10-packs for 25 bucks (which was a great deal for me as not only did Target never even get them to put them on clearance, much less regular price, but also since TRU is the only place that still had them), but there wasn't a whole lot more on the shelves to be had.  Some of those horrid day-glo comic packs, a few new Titaniums (the Dewback series), and more Threepios, Jerjerrods, and Power Droids than you could shake a stick at.  I love how these sales are always held at times when the stores have literally nothing that would interest anyone, even a kid. 

My store got what looked like one case of figures yesterday, Holo Cody wave, and that was it. I'm on my way out the door right now to see if they break out another case this morning. Now that I know the Tins are BOGO it's worth getting the 2 they have on the shelf since my Wal-marts never clearenced theirs out.


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