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Star Wars Bed Sheets?


Angry Ewok:
Anyone know if there's any Star Wars bed sheets and such out on the market right now? I've always wanted a whole set for my bed... Yes, I'm a dork, but why not sleep like one, too?  :D

Hung Solow:
Yes.  They mainly come for a single sized bed, but there are a few for full sized beds.  I recently boutght a set of EP1, and a vintage dark blue bed spread from ANH.    They have several styles and colrs to choose from.  I really like the Macy's set for the OT.  The newer stuff comes with double pillow slips, and dust ruffles.  You can also get matching curtains.  I recently also scored a EP1 shower curtain, matching trash can, Darth Maul soap dispencer, and Anakin podracer soap dish.  A guaranteed way never to get laid again, but sooooo worth it.

Jango Fettish:
Theres a few Episode 1 sets and pillows. As far as Episode 2 goes, there are just some not so attractive blue and red sets available everywhere, they have like alllll Jedi.

I picked up an original Star Wars pillowcase from a Con 2 months ago for $4. They had ESB, but it was like all Vader. Meh.

I had the bedsheets that came out way back in 1977.  Now I wish I hadn't slept on them, and kept them in the original package.

The only bed sheets I own are from EP1.  Unfortuanely we don't have the right size bed to put them on, but someday will probaby just hang the sheets from the wall or celing.  I've seen people hang sheets on their ceiling before, and it looks pretty cool.


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