Multimedia > Jocasta's Reading Room

Dark Horse's SW: Empire


Thomas Grey:
Is anyone else reading this? I have to say it is one of the best Star Wars universe comics I've ever read. The art is killer! Graphic, detailed and very well-rendered. The plot is getting really good, and the way they write Vader in pre- A New Hope era is EVIL! He is out for blood and doesn't blink when he takes a life. I really am enjoying it and can't wait for issue #4!

Let me know if anyone else out there feels the same or differently and if you do not know about it, catch up! It's at issue #3 and it's great stuff!

Chris Belle:
I haven't been able to keep up with any of the latest SW comics.  The last ones I got were Darkness #3, Jedi Quest #1, and Infinities: ANH #3.  I'm really bummed that I haven't been able to keep up.


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