Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Jedi Raid on the Droid Control Ship scene

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Snively Bandar:

So who's forked over the money for the Hyperspace site and seen this deleted scene over there?  What'd you think of it?

I at least appreciate the official explanation (and acknowledgement) they've given as to why this scene wasn't on the DVD as had been rumored and greatly anticipated:

--- Quote ---When Episode II was about to arrive on DVD, the Internet buzzed with rumors and discussion as to what deleted material was going to resurface. One heavily reported false rumor "confirmed" that the raid on the Droid Control Ship would indeed make the cut. As it appeared in the shooting script, the scene involved Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon leading an attack on a Droid Control Ship in order to disable the battle droid forces overwhelming the Jedi in the Geonosian execution arena. The raiding party makes its way to the bridge of the Trade Federation craft, and shuts down the droids, only to discover that their efforts were in vain.

When the eight scenes included on the DVD were announced, there was some disappointment and confusion as to why this much talked about sequence was left off. "It added another story to be intercut with what already was becoming too complicated and time consuming for the climax of the movie," explained editor Ben Burtt. "Including the sequence also meant time needed to set it up and resolve it while the arena battle and the Clone War land battle proceeded simultaneously."
--- End quote ---

You can check out their full write up on the scene right here.  So is it worth tacking $10 onto my Fan Club membership and checking the clip out?   :-\

Darth Kenobi:
"It added another story to be intercut with what already was becoming too complicated and time consuming for the climax of the movie," explained editor Ben Burtt. "Including the sequence also meant time needed to set it up and resolve it while the arena battle and the Clone War land battle proceeded simultaneously."
They still could of put it in on the DVD deleted scenes from what is being said I feel.  This reason above only shows why they didn't inculde it to the final film.  I still wish it was inculded so that we wouldn't have to pay another $10 to a Lucas company.  But thats just my 2 cents.

Dressel Rebel:
Too bad, it would have been cool.  Especially since Aayla Secura was with them.  She could have used some more character development.

Darth Broem:
I would not plunk down $10 a month for this.  It's a  bit interesting to see it and it would have been nice on the DVD.  However, I will wait for it to either come out on DVD in a future rerelease of AOTC or whatever.  If it never comes out then fine.   I like deleted scenes and info but in the end paying for it each month would tick me off.  

Angry Ewok:
It'll be on Kaaza in no time,  :-*.


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