No thread for this yet that I saw...
So, basically all those (or at least many of those) prototype Jedi we saw earlier in the year are going to be part of a Geonosis Arena 2-pack dealie... The packaging is described as "cool", so that's interesting. Will it be useful? One can hope.
I'm digging that we get an SA Colman Trebor with Jango Fett, but I'm really hoping Jango's coloring is tweaked just a bit so he's different from the Evolutions Jango. I know I'm not the only one who was disappointed in the Evolutions figures deco... I also would dig if they maybe gave him a new helmet with a movable range finder. That'd be just nifty, but unlikely.
The other set pictured from Toy Fair was Kit Fisto and Geonosian Warrior... Kit looks different enough to warrant a buy, the cool force-push hand rocks, and the Geo Warrior is worth army building as Sun Fac was a damn fine figure despite only having ankle joints (I bought a ton to army build but I'll take more in a different deco for sure).
And it mentioned 6 sets in the series... We saw protos around the same time of Cin Drallig and a couple other Jedi, so one could guess they're maybe in this series. I wonder where those Youngling prototypes fit into the mix though?