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Star Wars Saga Viewing Order?

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What did that have to do with finance?


Great, hipster business writer. I bet he doesn't own a t.v., either.

"The first "Star Wars" movie is very hard to watch because it isn't very good."

Lost me totally at that.

"One problem with the movie is that it's all about Luke. Luke is boring. Vanilla. A little whiney. He's a lot like the kid actor who plays Anakin in the first prequel. Who wants to spend two hours with someone like that?"

I'd sooner spend two days with him before spending two hours with Mr. Carson.

5 Obvious Observations at the End. Obvious back in 2005....what took this guy so long...oh, yeah, no dvd/blu-ray/vcr....

This was a pretty funny read IMO.  It reads like a 5th grade book report, as though anyone else reading it isn't already familiar with these films.  My favorite part is from the bottom two sections titled:

"The updated special effects in the re-released original trilogy now look as dated as claymation and models"


"Some of the special effects are still amazing"

I also like how he credits Ron Hilton for coming up with the correct order to see the films in.  No one ever thought of watching the movies that way until Ron Hilton.  If you watch the movies like this and your name is not Ron Hilton, you are a poser!

What an idiot. 


--- Quote from: JediJman on October 22, 2013, 12:53 PM ---I also like how he credits Ron Hilton for coming up with the correct order to see the films in.  No one ever thought of watching the movies that way until Ron Hilton.  If you watch the movies like this and your name is not Ron Hilton, you are a poser!

What an idiot. 

--- End quote ---

You heard it here first:  In a few years time, you'll have to watch 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (and some stand-alones in there) first and then the prequels.

Or maybe just Episode 3, 6, 8, 4, 9, 2, 7, 5, 1

The chronological order might really just be best here.

4 to kick it off
5 for a thriller and the Vader revela
1 to see Vader's origin (or skip this one all together as it isn't necessary)
2 flashback to the start of the clone wars
3 fall of Anakin and the Jedi, Yoda's seclusion
6 addresses all the hanging plot points and ends on a high

7-9 and the solo films might change that up, but its just speculation until we know the plot


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