Multimedia > Star Wars Universe

'Star Wars' in 3-D?

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With the success of Avatar, the maker is looking back at the Star Wars flicks... 3D!

'Star Wars' in 3-D? It Could Happen George Lucas believes 'Avatar' has paved the way

Avatar kicking George Lucas in the ass to make 3D Star Wars?

'Avatar' gives Lucas impetus to revamp 'Star Wars' for 3-D

--- Quote ---I just hope Lucas remembers that without a compelling story and interesting characters, 3-D is just a gimmick. In other words, he might want to revisit Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, but no one needs 3-D versions of the most recent trilogy
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Messa gonna be in 3D!   :-X

Jesse James:
I'm interested...  I'll go see any of them again at a theater.  Even Episode 1...   :-X


--- Quote from: Jesse James on January 22, 2010, 05:42 PM ---I'm interested...  I'll go see any of them again at a theater.  Even Episode 1...   :-X

--- End quote ---

Me too, and hopefully it happens sooner than later.  Honestly, if they were showing the movies on the big screen - even not in 3D, jsut a re-release - I'd love to see them on the big screen again.  It would definitely be nice to see the OT that way again, and hopefully 3D would just enhance that.  I've never been to a 3D movie, but it seems like it could be pretty cool with SW.

I wonder if the annouced blu-ray version of the movies will have a 3D version? Wouldn't that be lots of fun buying a new $2k television just so you can watch Star Wars in 3D?

It's official. Anyone else not care?


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