Community > Joe Defender

ARAH Vehicles/Playsets

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Why not another good thread for JoeDefender?

Never had the Moray as a kid, and kinda wanted to pick up the TRU version a few years back but never did since I wasn't into Joe at the time.  LOVE this vintage boat now that I have it - a tad dusty (still trying to figure out how to clean these things without damaging the stickers/decals)  Clever system on the front missle launchers....Finally figured out to push down the steam pike thing - guess I should look at the blueprints.

Rediscovering a lot of my past childhood in these toys.  A lot to go though......

A member over at the forums wrote up a great article about the top ten ARAH vehicles for the LA Times.  Check it out.

John C:
I would agree with most of the vehicles on that list.  The WHALE would be much higher, though.  probably 2 for me.  Never had the aircraft carrier, but no question it's the best.  The HISS and MOBAT wouldn't make my list, either.  I'd replace them with the Mauler and Snowcat.

That's an interesting take.  I'm surprised the Tomahawk is in there but the Dragonfly isn't.  RAM and Mobat but no VAMP?  Hmm...

As much hype as the Flagg gets, if I had my choice I'd take the Shuttle Launch Complex over it.


Without calling favorites out of any of those - the Defiant should be added and the RAM should get the boot.  As for the coptors - the Tomahawk was nice and big, but the Dragonfly would come first...third being the Mamba then the Fang in my book.

Looking at those nice crisp pics reminds me of all the cleaning I still need to do on a lot of vehicles/playsets.   :-\ 

I should be getting the TerrorDrome and the original Joe headquarters this week.   :)


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