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A Game of Thrones (HBO)

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Is Sunday's show the first time nobody (other than zombies) got killed?  It felt kind of wrong not to have someone die.

Lots of story lines left out this week too.  Definitely a different vibe to Sunday's show.

It was a week of long awaited returns!

Very happy they gave us back Benjen and none of that "Cold Hands" red herring stuff. Guy knows how to make an entrance!

We finally got back to Walter Frey after forever too. Man, that wretched old goat cannot die soon, or violently, enough. His justice has been a long time coming and I am thinking it will be sweet. It had better be.

Also good to see little brother Tully and the mention of Blackfish. Surprised the Lannisters would agree to send a force to the Riverlands but I guess they pay their debts and all that. Puts Jamie on a collision course with Brienne again, on opposite sides.

Littlefinger should take his Knights of the Vale back down there too, can't imagine he is very happy with Frey killing the love of his life.

Sam's dad was an unbelievable prick, as expected. I was hoping he would stand up to him at dinner but no such luck. At least he wised up and got Gilly and Sam Jr out of there.  And nicked the sword. (What's up with all these minor houses like the Tarleys and Moormonts rocking the Valerian steel anyway?)

Everything with Arya the past two seasons feels like a complete waste of time now. How do they give one of the best characters the absolute crappiest storyline? Get her back to Westeros kicking ass please.


--- Quote from: McMetal on May 31, 2016, 02:44 PM ---Everything with Arya the past two seasons feels like a complete waste of time now. How do they give one of the best characters the absolute crappiest storyline? Get her back to Westeros kicking ass please.

--- End quote ---

It'll be interesting to see how the whole Braavos storyline ultimately plays out.  I agree.  This might turn out to be the largest waste of screen time in the series.

I don't know - did she learn how to murder better?  That might serve some purpose.  The best I can tell, she learned how to get beaten by a stick.

I feel the Arya, Sansa and Dany stories all smack of GRR not doing three books as originally planned and now milking it out further and further...the whole unite the slaves of Essos is dumb and rather redundant.  At least she is now doing something with her Khal

Same goes for the wanderings of Sansa and Arya, sure they have grown and become wiser etc but its been soooo drawn out to the point of where it gets ridiculous.


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