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A Game of Thrones (HBO)

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--- Quote from: Matt_Fury on June 29, 2016, 05:21 PM ---I think I'm the only one who wasn't bothered by Varys' quick trip.
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No - but it's been explained:

Late to posting...watched the finale live but only managed a second viewing just last night. Really gripping stuff...certainly accentuated with the creepy musical score that bookended the episode.

It's the little details that help make this show so great. The Lady of Thorns dressing down the Sand Snakes...the Hand of the Queen moment with Tyrion...Sam seeing the white ravens flying out from the Citadel from afar...just really nice touches.

And if you love strong, well written female characters with depth, you've got a lot to love in this show. Not only Dany, Cersei, and Arya but now Yara, Meera, Lady Moormont, the Sand Snakes, etc. Pretty amazing in such a brutal world how women have come to stake such a claim for themselves. Fun to watch too.

For years I felt like I was the only person who still had a white-hot hatred for Walter Frey that would never subside. Every season I kept waiting for them to come back around and serve up some justice there. It was just incredibly satisfying seeing him go out the way he did. As if I could love Arya's character any more. And I disagree about House Frey - I think they are in complete and utter shambles on par with House Baratheon. Those 2 dipshits Arya carved up were the best and brightest of the lot. The rest may as well jump into the river at this point.

Still concerned about the wild cards like Littlefinger and Melisandre. But hopefully they don't screw things up too badly along the way.

And I know it's wrong, but I can't help but wonder WTF Frankenmountain was actually going to do to that poor Nun.  :-X
I mean, I don't think that thing even eats, sleeps or goes to the bathroom, much less has anything else going on down there...maybe he was planning to sing show tunes?  :P

Hmmm, so who might Jim Broadbent be playing next season?  ???


--- Quote from: McMetal on August 31, 2016, 10:30 PM ---Hmmm, so who might Jim Broadbent be playing next season?  ???

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I'm thinking one of the Maesters.

Season 7 starts debuts on HBO on July 16th, at 9 PM.


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