Community > Joe Defender

G.I. Joe Mech Suits


Jesse James:
I got some boxed images of the upcoming GIJ Mech suits...  I'm not sure if this is news or not, so I figured I'd just share with you guys in here.

Cobra Mech Front & Back Boxed (Click Images to check out photo)

G.I. Joe Mech Front & Back Boxed (Click Images to check out photo)

Mech suits, to me, always seemed like cooler GI Joe technology than they were sometimes given in the past.  At least a little more on the evolutionary chart of military junk.  So I dig these I guess, from an outsider's perspective anyway.

Ya these were up a few weeks ago and I still plan on nabbing them even though the arms kinda suck, but I guess that's more of a feature for the kiddos.  I guess there's a third Sigma 6 mech suit that didn't get the upscale treatment so hopefully it'll wind up someday.

I don't really care for them personally; if I do get them they will used for SW custom walkers of some sort.  The figures that come with them though look awesome to me.

I think these look clumsy and awkward.  I'd much rather see something closer to the Avatar suit or even the loader from Aliens.

I'm not really a huge fan either.  I probably won't buy any of them but I do think it's an interesting idea and I hope it's successful for Hasbro.  If they were going to pick a Sigma 6 ship to redesign for the 3.75" line I would have liked them to do the gunship.  I have one of the Sigma 6 versions but never got around to upgrading the cockpit to fit the larget figures.



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