Community > Newbies

Hey, peeps.


I post over at the Rebby Scum forums, but they seem kinda uptight there at times. And no one goes to galactic hunter forums anymore.

This place seems to have its own clique I'll quickly be alienated from. Ha.

Jesse James:
Hey man, welcome aboard.  spill a little about your collecting history if you have time...  You're already joining in, so welcome aboard!

Scum's a "little uptight"? :)  That's putting it mildly.


--- Quote from: scockery on July 28, 2010, 01:38 PM ---I post over at the Rebby Scum forums, but they seem kinda uptight there at times. And no one goes to galactic hunter forums anymore.

This place seems to have its own clique I'll quickly be alienated from. Ha.

--- End quote ---


I drifted over from GH some years ago myself- good group here, even if the activity level has dropped a bit.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on July 28, 2010, 03:17 PM ---Hey man, welcome aboard.  spill a little about your collecting history if you have time...  You're already joining in, so welcome aboard!
--- End quote ---

Grew up on the Kenner stuff, my older brother and I collected until the end of the run. We didn't get everything, but most of it. Wish our Death Star survived in better shape. We didn't buy all the Droids collection, and none of the Ewoks cartoon toys.

Got into POTF2 reluctantly, since I didn't like the preposed nature and buff sculpts that much. But my other hobby, 3 3/4" GI JOE had ended, so I stuck with POTF2 until the Expanded Universe wave. I never found a single figure of that wave and was frustrated by people online saying "what are you talking about, I've seen them." As more and more stuff became harded to find at retail, my interest tapered off.

Episode 1 rolled around, bought a few figure prior to the film ($7 bucks for Jar Jar  :-[ ). Saw the movie...lost interest again. Did get stuff on clearance later, but mostly skipped POTJ except for a couple of clearance aisle figures.

Episode 2 came out, and after seeing it, I was ready to jump back in. But too many of the figures stank, with preposing and built in action features all over the place. My euthsiasm faded quick. Only got a few figures inbetween AoTC and ROTS, like Tans Spijekk, Dodonna...ones I always wanted in figure form. I missed some, like J'Quille. I passed on the OTC cantina aliens, which I regret.

ROTS pulled me back in, thanks to the clone trooper and clone commander. Figures finally had real articulation. The sandtrooper from 2006's saga line was great, too. I've been casually collecting since then. I usually get obscure aliens and "army builders". I'm unusual among collectors in that I'm not into Jedi or Sith, though I have some . I'm not into Clone Wars toys, but I've got a few of the ones I liked the looks of. I usually skip vehicles entirely due to money, space and the fact I'd never do anything with them. In terms of EU, I'd like to see Marvel characters made, even though I lost my vintage Star Wars comics years ago.

I stilll pick up old Kenner figures if I find them at yard sales or flea markets for cheap.


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