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The Walking Dead

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Jesse James:
I think if anything Darryl/Aaron would want to recon the group in daylight, just to see what's what.

And yeah, Aaron had a listening device in the car.  That was what made even Michonne question her decision to trust him before they went zombie mowing.

Please let us hear those five magic letters tonight!


--- Quote from: GrandMoffNick on March 29, 2015, 09:55 AM ---Please let us hear those five magic letters tonight!

--- End quote ---



jk, i know who you mean. But i think tonight will be all about getting the safe zone house in order.

Hoping we get a glimpse of whatever Morgan has been up too as well.

My prediction is the season ends with us hearing his voice while we see Lucille.

That's totally prediction. I don't read internet stuff.

That was a step down from last season's finale.
But at least it was 90 minutes, which means, what...45 minutes of actual show? Seriously, I sometimes watch Star Trek TNG reruns on BBC America and I've noticed that they cut scenes out. One ended on a different scene than the original broadcast version.

Summer "companion" series, Fear The Walking Dead, will only be 6 episodes in season 1. Though they are committed to a season 2, you'd think they'd made the order higher considering they've debuted other new shows with 10 episodes (like Low Winter Sun, which flopped).


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