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The Walking Dead

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Now that's what I'm talking about!

I liked the B/W time jumps if for no other reason than the juxtaposition of Rick saying Carter would die no matter what to dude getting his face eaten off.

LOL @ Rick asking Carter "do you know who you're talking to?"

I'm more curious about who taught Morgan to Bo Staff than who honked the horn at the end. I'm sure that was the Wolves since otherwise there was no point to putting those scenes with them from last season in the opening crawl. Or maybe it's just a big misdirect.

I think the only problem with the plan was that eventually they would have to stop the Pied Piper thing and they would all just spread out again.

Great to have it back!

Seems like it'd be a pretty rough endurance test leading a shambling hoard for 20 miles.  That's like a full day of non-stop driving.

It's amazing just how much better this show is written than Fear was.  Sure, there was the convenient "truck falling while we're watching" thing, but for the most part things made sense.  Real personal motivations.  Real characters.  I think one of the best moments was when Morgan spoke to Carol.  Shows how Morgan isn't blind like the rest of the residents, and Carol caught off-guard.  I think "Aren't you sweet" was code for "I'm gonna have to pop a cap off in your ass at some point."

I agree the plan wasn't the best plan.  They may not have explosives, but they have fire at least.  They also had those frontloaders parked at the place Glenn cleared out.  Those things are impervious to anything flesh-and-blood zombies could do, even in the tens of thousands.  Just go for a joy ride.

my idea was to burn em, I mean there has to be some sort of fuel truck packed full of gas that never got delivered. there was time to line up a bunch of cars along the road to coral them surely there was enough time to find a fuel truck or even pump some gas into barrels or something. and u don't have to dump a whole truck load of fuel either, a control burn would've at least disabled them, if not burned their brain,  to the point they couldn't walk around and cause harm. BAD idea too me.

The only thing worse than having to fight off a horde of thousands of zombies is trying to fight off a horde of thousands of zombies that are on fire.

Jesse James:
I don't think there's any good solution short of trying to take out the roads they used to get out of the pit...  Obviously you can't shoot them, it's not even a good idea if you THOUGHT you had enough ammo.  You can't seemingly burn them because gas is in short supply as ammo would be (gas doesn't do well over time to boot), and zombies survive fire as we've seen.  Military-grade explosives would be like ammo, a rarity.  Explosives for places like a quarry become unstable if not stored properly, and who even knows how much you'd need.

I think farming equipment and/or some kind of heavy machinery would do well enough...  It should've at least been considered and should be considered even if this problem didn't arise.  Having things like harvesters around would be quite useful.  Heavy duty military trucks even, welded with low-cutting blades would be useful and should be available somewhere nearby I'd think.  Humvees even wouldn't get stuck on the piles like a car did a while back, but surely there's caterpillar dozers around someone could get and use well enough to just mash and destroy a controlled release of them?

Funny all the Fear the Walking Dead hate, when I was just thinking how the people in Rick's town are all about as dumb as the people in Fear The Walking Dead...  Seemed like a pretty interesting parallel.  Lots of ignorance, and bad ideas seem like something no group is immune to, on either show.  :-X


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