Collectibles > Discover the Force / Movie Heroes

2012 TPM Multi-Troop Transport (MTT)

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100 bonus points awarded to Jeff   :)

I don't really care about the unposable blobs of ****.  I'm more for the 3' long blob of **** myself.  This thing would have been $300 if they included 20 SA figures.  The droids will likely stay couped up in their stall once I get my mitts on this. 

Why would Obi-Wan be included though?  He had no interaction with this thing..


--- Quote from: Dan on January 24, 2012, 11:05 AM ---Wow, it sounds like a amazing item. I can't see getting it myself, unless it goes crazy clearance like the shuttle did. While it will have a lot of buzz going for it with the movie out, it is still a big rounded brown terd that carries nameless battle droids...

As a star wars geek, I can see wanting one, but as a parent looking for something cool for $100 or more, I'm not sure this thing has much curb appeal. the turbo tank looked like a monster truck, the AT-AT is a mechanized dino, and the Falcon is the Falcon. This one needs spinning rims, air shocks, and a subwoofer to be cool.

--- End quote ---

You nailed it Dan.  Neat, but would my kids play with it?  No way.

I'll probably pick it up if it gets sub $60, but likely not drop $100 on it.

Seems kind of odd that we would get this ship before a Rebel Troop Transport - I know it is a TPM year and not ANH year.

I still think an Ewok playset or something else would be a helluva lot cooler than a battle droid troop carrier *yawn*.

Jesse James:
Between TPM3D and Clone Wars cross-over (even ifi t's not in the series) it's a smart way to go I think, but yeah...

I think that "3 feet long" is fudging the numbers there too...  3 feet when the droid compartment is out, but not when it's all put together.  Just my guess there.

And yes, bonus points to Jeff.  Or partial credit anyway. :P

The play value seems good for what Hasbro could pull off with a TPM based vehicle...  and I'm sure my son will think it's neat - I'll be getting one for a shelf display for sure, and if he indeed likes it, then one for him too.  And I'll certainly support this at full price.  It's nice to see Hasbro figure out a way to make a "Big One" for TPM, without rehashing the Queen's ship.

Well done Hasbro, well done.   Even as a display piece, this thing will be awesome. 

Jesse James:
It should be pointed out that if Jeff's getting bonus points, then Darby won the game outright. :)

He actually posted that he was hinted at strongly that the MTT would be this year's big vehicle, back in early January, and he mentioned it to me right after NYCC actually.

Good scoop for him.  I'm honestly a little surprised, but at the same time, it has that dual value in fitting in with CW ala the way the AT-AT did, and then also fitting into the basic line and TPM focus of course.  Cool stuff.


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