Collectibles > The Clone Wars '08-'13

New Clone Wars quality

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I picked up a phase II Clone and compared to the phase I clone its lacking.  The plastic seems much cheaper and it has nearly nothing in the way of articulation compared to its counterpart. 
anyone else notice?


Dressel Rebel:
The only figure I picked up was Commander Cody because he doesn't look toooo CW-ish.  The quality didn't strike me as bad on that figure, but I don't have the phase II clone.  The ones I saw on the pegs though did all have very bad paintjobs on the helmets.

Jesse James:
I'd heard, but not really paid it much attention, that the new Clone Wars figures are getting a pretty big downgrade in quality...  articulation is cut back a bit, and I'm hearing plastic quality issues too. 

I hadn't really noticed it but now I feel compelled to at least look harder.  That's a shame if it's true...  More corners cut.

The line is so lackluster this year, I don't anticipate buying any doubles of anything for opening outside of Cyborg Maul, and maybe Scuba Gear Ahsoka. So it will probably be awhile before I will be able to judge the quality of anything new...

Jabba the Slug:

--- Quote from: McMetal on February  8, 2012, 11:19 PM ---The line is so lackluster this year, I don't anticipate buying any doubles of anything for opening outside of Cyborg Maul, and maybe Scuba Gear Ahsoka. So it will probably be awhile before I will be able to judge the quality of anything new...

--- End quote ---

Get ready for the continued success of crap quality and few desirables from the TCW line for the next 6 years while the 3D movies are released... Just as the TCW show was getting better, too...


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