Collectibles > The Clone Wars '08-'13

The Future of the Clone Wars Toy Line?

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John C:
EE is gonna choke on all those Anis

Dressel Rebel:
My God is that stuff ever stale.


If Hasbro claims this stuff isn't selling, they can hold a mirror up to themselves and blame their own case packs and distribution.  It is the root of all evil.

Ok, after re-reading Jeff's original post, I am convinced I saw the Wave 4 Revision 2 case at three separate Targets today. Rex and Obi were the giveaways. All the figures from that case were at all 3 stores, and these were stores that had been pretty well picked over for the past few weeks.

Figures they would skimp on the Foxes!

Well, it's been fun guys (and gals....well, mostly guys). It seems that the Clone Wars toy line is dead, and the cartoon along with it. My days of trolling the boards will most likely come to a close. My son will likely be too old to think toys are cool when Ep.7 comes out, and with only a handful of episodes left we will just have to find other ways to enjoy our time together before he becomes a young man that no longer needs his dad. This is a sad moment for me. The Clone Wars gave me a second chance to power-walk to the toy section and cross my fingers that a new and exciting Star Wars figure would be dangling from the pegs. But more importantly, it gave me an excuse to lock myself away on one side of the house with my boy and just have a great time creating battles and adventures. He still asks me to play "Clone Wars" every Saturday morning. Will that last another year, or two? Now that new episodes are gone, I don't know. But I am going to get the most out of it that I can.

It has been great interacting with so many Clone Wars fans, and I will miss the fun. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and stories over the years. New adventures of the Clone Wars will be seen on a live performance basis only for the immediate future at our household, and I guess that is all I could ever ask for.

Thank you Jedidefender. It has been great.


Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: TheSon on March 12, 2013, 06:56 PM ---Well, it's been fun guys (and gals....well, mostly guys). It seems that the Clone Wars toy line is dead, and the cartoon along with it. My days of trolling the boards will most likely come to a close. My son will likely be too old to think toys are cool when Ep.7 comes out, and with only a handful of episodes left we will just have to find other ways to enjoy our time together before he becomes a young man that no longer needs his dad. This is a sad moment for me. The Clone Wars gave me a second chance to power-walk to the toy section and cross my fingers that a new and exciting Star Wars figure would be dangling from the pegs. But more importantly, it gave me an excuse to lock myself away on one side of the house with my boy and just have a great time creating battles and adventures. He still asks me to play "Clone Wars" every Saturday morning. Will that last another year, or two? Now that new episodes are gone, I don't know. But I am going to get the most out of it that I can.

It has been great interacting with so many Clone Wars fans, and I will miss the fun. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and stories over the years. New adventures of the Clone Wars will be seen on a live performance basis only for the immediate future at our household, and I guess that is all I could ever ask for.

Thank you Jedidefender. It has been great.


--- End quote ---
Damn.  I don't even want to think about the day where my son moves on.  Enjoy every minute with that boy, and I think someday he'll realize just how lucky he is to have such a great dad.


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