Collectibles > Vintage Kenner

Modern Vintage Repros and Bootlegs

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--- Quote from: GrandMoffNick on January  4, 2014, 10:02 PM ---As soon as I can figure what I'm doing wrong with posting a picture of Head Man, I will.

Got a carded Uzay Blue Stars figure today (repro of course).

--- End quote ---

Sweet!  That would be cool to see as well. 

Not very exciting, but picked up a custom printed Mungo Baobab Droids cardback. Okay printing job and straight corners, but the artwork is cool (Mungo knocking out a couple Stormtroopers) and my favorite part is the second wave of Droids figures are all shown on the back with a description of their character.

And it cost me all of 99 cents w/ free shipping.

Picked up a custom painted loose Droids C3PO (regular pull apart vintage painted to look Droids). I'd say very good version. Good paint job. Very close to original colors. Blue in the eyes is too big compared to the real thing, but it holds the place of the real thing well enough for me until (I fear "if" is the better word) I get an authentic one.

Paid $11 for it and just watched a loose authentic go for $200+ so I'm happy.

I have a feeling if I ever have one of these for real it's going to just be his torso and head or something like that.

I know this isn't everyone's favorite thing, but recent additions:

"vintage" Grand Moff Tarkin. Imperial Commander's body painted to the correct color scheme, rank, etc. with a vintage Battlestar Galactica guy's head. I really like it.

custom painted vintage C3PO so it looks like it's Glasslite. I've always liked the look of that C3PO and won't pay for a real one.

I didn't know this thread was here... I'd love to see photos of the Tarkin.

Here's my only bootlegs... although they look so damn good I don't even think of them that way.  Both are from Ryan Shaw.  As far as I know there are only four of the Leia's out there.  He made about 25 Gargans.  This was the last one, and the paint on it is different from the rest.

There's also this Sandtrooper... he just gave me the Torso and while it's a little sloppy, I did my best to paint it and hack it together out of a beat up stormtrooper:


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