Collectibles > Saga Legends

2013 Saga Legends Basic Figures (Vader Cardback)

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Thanks Pete, refreshing to read a non-Koolaid-drinking review of these. Some sites seem to think these are the shizz for some inexplicable reason.

Did you find them on the pegs or did you have to Jedi Mind Trick them out of the supply room?


--- Quote from: McMetal on July 17, 2013, 09:08 AM ---Did you find them on the pegs or did you have to Jedi Mind Trick them out of the supply room?

--- End quote ---

Jedi Mind Tricked them out of the back. The employee who helped me asked if I needed any assistance and I rolled the dice to see if he would help me.

He even made a point to say "well, these aren't out because they're not supposed to be set until August 4th, but let me test scan one and see if I can sell it" and then when he saw that he could, he was like, "okay, which ones do you want"

Quite possibly could have been the BEST interaction with a Target employee I've ever had.

Jesse James:
Thanks Pete...  I concur with McMetal...  These, to me, look terrible, and the reviews on the quality of the materials and designs take them even a notch lower.

I'm passing on the whole Saga Legends line unless there's a figure that goes above and beyond.  Given what Hasbro has publically said about this line, I don't think that's going to happen. 

For years Hasbro has been trying to make Saga Legends/Movie Heroes/Etc a kid focused line.  But they were doing that by re-issuing figures that had originally been offered to collectors.  I think that methodology probably led to a good deal of confusion over Hasbro's plans/intentions for that line. 

This designs of the figures in this new Saga Legends line seem poised to clear up the confusion from previous year's lines.  The 5 points of articulation on completely new figures spell that out plain as day.  These figures are disposable.

And then, take into account the play patterns of kids now.  Kids today do not play like the kids of the 70's and 80's.  They generally do not focus on a toy that they've had for 1 or 2 years, but 1 or 2 months.  That short attention span is something that the toy industry recognizes.  Witness some of the movie offerings from both Hasbro and Mattel over the past few years.  A lot of those figures are very basic in presentation.

As with any new product offering, you can always state your position at retail.  And if a product isn't to your liking, not buying it speaks volumes.


--- Quote from: McMetal on July 17, 2013, 09:08 AM ---Thanks Pete, refreshing to read a non-Koolaid-drinking review of these. Some sites seem to think these are the shizz for some inexplicable reason.

Did you find them on the pegs or did you have to Jedi Mind Trick them out of the supply room?

--- End quote ---

Wait wait wait.  Sorry, but I find it hilarious that the review basically makes the figutes sound like the worst collectible ever, but then Pete still buys a full case of figures.  Hiw is that not drinking the koolaid? 

I found these at Target today and actually like them.  Two figures for $10 and great paint jobs.  They remind me enough of old skule vintage to keep me interested for now.  I do agree on the crummy packaging though.  I'll just be getting one set to open.


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