Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Lucas and Kasdan hashing out Anakin's backstory in 1981

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--- Quote from: P-Siddy on May 27, 2013, 10:54 AM ---Also would have made a better Leia/Luke chat about Mom in Jedi if she escaped and died a few years later... instead "Mom was sad from the impression I got as a newborn for the 2 minutes I knew her."

--- End quote ---

Seconded, that line always rang hollow for me.

Jesse James:
I viewed the line from Leia as more of a force impression than an infant's memory...  Kind of the force at work in Leia.  In that tone, I rather enjoy the thought.  I still would've found it interesting if Padme had survived and gone into hiding as well, but passed away from something between trilogies.

Yoda fighting, I really hoped for a force showdown...  Not the sabers.  I felt like using the force to beat your opponent was A) Not used well at all in the Prequals, and B) established pretty nicely in ANH as the "gentleman's way", of sorts.  Kenobi preferred it...  Vader wasn't going to let him go that route, and then the whole thing about him becoming more powerful once struck down and all, but I felt like Kenobi established that use of the force showed one's TRUE power, and that was carried throughout the OT then...

Flash forward to the Prequals and there's these force stalemates that then require decisions be made with lightsabers.  Meh.  That's for the weak.  Yoda/Dooku having Yoda hand Dooku his ass just by force beating him up would've been great.  Then YOda being fought to a Force Stalemate with Palpatine...  Have the saber reveal there.  Have Yoda's basic character itself be broken by Palpatine because Palps leaves Yoda no other choice than to get brutal.  Don't make it so hokey, just have it become almost something he uses to escape a situation he's pretty sure he's about to lose even.  Yoda's exile to Dagobah is sort of in some kind of "shame" if you will.

I like the idea of Mom Skywalker raising Leia for a couple of years and then offing herself due to her severe depression over the whole situation.  Would've been way too heavy for a movie targeted at kids, but it fits better with Leia's dialogue in Jedi and would have made more sense than whatever that ending was that we actually got.

On the Yoda thing, I caught the tail end of Clones on Spike last weekend--neat/movies/TV--and the Force faceoff with Dooku wasn't all that bad.  But then Dooku says that line, and the fanwank begins.  Yoda jumping and spinning around like the Tasmanian Devil ruins all the dignity he had in Empire and Jedi, and even Phantom Menace.  It makes me sad to see what they turned that character into.

I try to pretend like the prequels never happened, but sometimes it's hard, y'all. #InRecovery

Jesse James:
I think acceptance of them helps...  Ignore the crap, enjoy the good.

My gf still laughs her ass off when Padme falls out of a fast moving vehicle in the sky onto a sand dune, and demurely rolls looking like a sleeping angel...  then boom, up and barking orders.


Lucas you tard.

Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: Jesse James on May 30, 2013, 07:25 PM ---I think acceptance of them helps...  Ignore the crap, enjoy the good.

My gf still laughs her ass off when Padme falls out of a fast moving vehicle in the sky onto a sand dune, and demurely rolls looking like a sleeping angel...  then boom, up and barking orders.


Lucas you tard.

--- End quote ---
EVERYTHING on Geonosis is pretty much the worst in all of SW (aside from Padme's costume).  The worst crime AotC commits is the bungling of the C-3PO humor.  Totally misses the mark.  By 5 million light years.  So f'n terrible.


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