Collectibles > Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels Saga Legends Figures

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I think I've seen maybe 3 Choppers on the pegs, all before Christmas...haven't spotted a single Rebels figure in weeks though. They really dried up quickly.

I've only seen one Chopper and I grabbed it.

Jesse James:
Picked up the AT-DP Pilot this weekend...  I went to Target for reasons I can't explain, and they had one of him and Gree.  Easy purchase to make for customizing bits.

Here's an odd thing I noticed on the AT-DP guy though...  His helmet and head are actually two pieces.  The helmet's glued to the head is all.  Why bother with the extra labor step in there, and two molds?  It's possible they plan to re-use the helmet (or head/mask piece even) for something, but what?  And why?  It seems it'd be more logical to do just a single piece I'd think.

Anyway, the other thing I've noticed...  I never bought a single carded 5 POA figure yet, but upon seeing the AT-DP Pilot in person, my goodness are they ****** mold pulls.  There are ejection marks, seams...  It's really roughly done, and a sign of poorer craftsmanship in the realm of injection molding.  Nothing that I can't clean up, just odd as I never have seen a figure this rough looking.  Even the 2-Pack of the McIG Droid and Devronian guy guy seemed quite cleanly done.

I believe the ATDP Pilot helmet comes with the Ezra figure as an accessory. Probably could have just as easily sculpted a generic guy under there if they were gonna reuse the helmet. Weird.

Edit: nope, from pictures I see they are 2 different sculpts. Curiouser and curiouser...


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