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TWD-To Read or Not to Read

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So I now have the first seven (plus some after that as well), sorry I am not a comic book guy so my terms may be wrong, graphic novels of The Walking Dead comics (the paper bound multi comics in one things). And I can't decide if I should start reading them (I have read the first one) or not. I want to so when Abraham shows up I can be all excited about him (or when Michonne did, etc.), but I also kind of like not knowing what is going to happen. Of course I know they are far from following the same story, but for instance I hadn't read the first set until after Shane died in the show and I didn't see that coming. At least not nearly as much as I have to guess the comic readers did.

So I would appreciate thoughts from others if anyone is so inclined. Thanks in advance.

Chris M:
They are certainly a lot different and I've been debating the same thing.  I bought Compendium 1 and read that as the first half of season 4 was winding down.  It goes from the beginning up until the end of the prison run.  I don't think it would have ruined anything for me had I read it earlier.  That said, I'm in the same boat as you and can't decide if I want to start reading Compendium 2 just to see what "might" happen.

I have read all of the WD comics to date.  I started with the graphic novel collections like you have Nick, then switched over to monthly books around issue #85-90 I think.  Finally caught up and got tired of waiting 6 months for the next part of the story.  If you really like the show, you should read the comic.  The stories are so divergent now that it's like reading an alternate universe storyline or EU or maybe even an initial script for the show.  Yes, some parts of the story will overlap, but I don't think it would spoil anything for the show, since you never know where they're going to take things.  There are already so many differences between the two in the current storyline:

TV Andrea is dead, but continues to be a pivotal character in the books
Daryl and Beth and Sasha are all non-factors in the book versus the show
Shane lasted longer in the show, but Rick's wife died much sooner. 
Judith's story is very different, as was Sophia's
Carol is a totally different character in the book and was never banished from the group
There was no flu/plague in the book

It really is like a reading a vastly different story where some of the characters have similarities and some are totally different.  If you like Alternate Scenes, Expanded Universe, Marvel What If, etc. then you will like reading the book.  Besides, book Abraham totally rocks.

I think you should read them.  The show is different enough at this point where, although you'll get a sense of what might be coming, the show will still surprise you.

I've started reading them... I'm about 85% finished with the first compendium. I have to say I enjoy the TV show a lot more. The pacing of the comics is much different.  Still it's nice to see a sort of blizzaro TWD universe and stories though.


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