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Aliens: Colonial Marines - by Hiya Toy

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Pre-Orders @ BBTS !

- Aliens: Colonial Marines - 1:18 Scale Power Loader - $99.99

- Aliens: Colonial Marines - 1:18 Scale Hicks Action Figure - $24.99

- Aliens: Colonial Marines - 1:18 Scale Hudson Action Figure - $24.99

Awesome, but I don't think they will look right next to my Funko figures...

Jesse James:
They will look beyond awesome with the Aliens they made though so count me in for two Power Loaders and 2x each fig!  :D

Gonna hope for EE to carry these.  Wish I had some confirmation!  I have a Hicks from Hot Toys but this looks better IMO.  Hudson I can't wait to see.  Game over man game over!!!!

Jesse James:
Hiya have now pictured Hudson all painte up and stuff.  These have been now pushed to Q1 2016 which was expected.  I guess paint issues and an issue with accessories is the hold-up.  Either way I'm ok waiting if the quality is there.  I really want 2 loaders but one for now will suffice.  I'd like a few of each colonial marine too.  So far Hicks, Hudson (game over man!  Game over!) and a guy from Aliens: Colonial Marines are coming so that's a nice mix.  I'm really hopin they sneak in Bishop and Ripley...  Some steady gun grunts would be nice, especially Vasquez. 

If the loader sells, perhaps they'll try the apc? :x one can hope!

Jesse James:


Look at those f'n awesome stands!  I'd buy like 30 of those alone.  :-X

Corporal Hicks

Power Loader

Alien Soldier (older figure, out a while)

I'm excited for these. :)  HOt Toys figures came/went, were pricey (this much adjusted for inflation I'd wager) at the time...  And not as poseable.  They're poseable, but limited.  They're better sculpts, slightly less generic IMO and featured two body styles, a Ripley, etc.  COmbined they'll look awesome together IMO.

My only gripe, I don't see holsters for the pistols so I'm a lil bummed on that, but I think I could fix that via Marauder Inc.

This is awesome though.  Marines are $24.99.  Aliens are $22.99 (came out a year or two ago, awesome though and worth owning a set!), and the Power Loader is $84.99.  Pricey, but super articulated itself and pretty damn nicely painted to boot.  As are the Marines.

I'm down for 2 sets of Marines, 2 Loaders, and at least another set of Aliens.  I don't have a full set yet, but want more.

There's a Marine from the Aliens: Colonial Marines game that is coming too.  A spanish named character, not part of the movie.  I'm hoping they put out a Ripley and Bishop, as well as a steady-gunner (Vasquez is my vote as Hot Toys did her partner).

I'm just hell bent on getting these.  They look fantastic. :)  People who wanted 4" aliens figures, support this line.  It's a good investment IMO.


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