Multimedia > The Original Trilogy

Luke's Bespin "Fatigues"

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Ok, I finally introduced my 5 year old son to Empire Strikes Back this morning.

It brought to mind a good question that I could not find an answer for on the first page of google...

Is Luke's Bespin Outfit a Rebel Uniform of some sort or it is just "Military Inspired".

Basically is this a Standard Alliance uniform and there are other officers/members (aka Wedge) out there somewhere in the fleet hanging out in this get up?

Jesse James:
Iirc west end games says it is a Rebel pilots ground fatigues...  It looks military so for my $ it makes sense.

Kinda what I thought too  but it is sterile with no rank or unit designation and with ESB still having a Military Advisor on set, I did not know.

So technically Wedge and the boys would be wearing these as they walked around Home One etc....

Assuming Wedge survives the EU purge.

Jesse James:
Well wedge is always gonna be a pilot of course so I'd say yeah...  It's possible Luke's rank etc is ok his clip on thing I think.  That he sports in his cold weather duds.  Just a thought...  He does have that rank badge on tho on Hoth then not later. 

Since we only see that outfit once it's hard to say definitively obviously but iirc WEG did say it was a ground unifor for what that's worth. :/

But what about the boots. Think those are regulation or were just part of it because he was on Hoth first?  If this had been a non "remote" walking around situation say I the fleet.. Would it be boots like Solo or Capt Antilles wears?


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