Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)

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Jesse James:
People can't expect the last 3 films to just be forgotten...  No clue why anyone would be angry.  It is what it is, and should've been expected to a degree.


--- Quote from: Matt_Fury on September 24, 2015, 01:39 PM ---
--- Quote from: Nicklab on September 24, 2015, 10:03 AM ---Hayden needs the work.  And he's been in the suit before.  It's a physical acting role, and not one where Hayden would have to voice dialogue.  That's James Earl Jones' job.

Now if he's being cast to play a Force Spirit Anakin Skywalker in Episode 8?  Then I can appreciate some of the concerns people might have.  But if Anakin as a Force Spirit is integral to the story?  You can certainly speculate however you want.  From the trailers it seems that someone in the Sequels is a devotee to Darth Vader, seeing how the melted Vader helmet & mask are set up as an object of worship.  Recasting the Anakin role would damage any sense of continuity

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Couldn't they just make a digital version of Hayden as a force ghost instead of actually hiring him? It would be a lot more realistic.
Since Force ghosts are immortal in movie cannon (the in five years it gets too hard like in the Thrawn trilogy was taken out in ROTS), I fully expect to see Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan as force ghosts.

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He probably has to talk at some point Paul!

They can use the guy that did Anakin's voice for the Clone Wars.

I Am Sith:
I know that we are still in the midst of the EP7 release and resulting euphoria, but I read this this morning and had to share my feeling of dread:

Veteran Star Wars writer Lawrence Kasdan said in a recent interview that Johnson is going to make "some weird thing" with Episode VIII.  If you've seen Rian's work, you know it's not going be like anything that's ever been in Star Wars," Kasdan said. "You couldn't have three more different people than JJ, Rian, and Colin [Trevorrow, director of Episode 9]. Those movies will have the Star Wars saga as their basis, but everything else will be different."

I'm really hoping that the Executive Producers don't let it get 'weird' and stick with the success they have going with EP7.  Fingers crossed.  17 more months to go...


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