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Keep Adult Collector Toys IN Toys ‘R’ Us!! Sign the Petition #TRULovesCollectors

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Greedo The Green Menace:

Fan of the figures or not, I think it's something any adult fan of action figures ought to see and consider supporting.

Nice, was hoping someone would post that here. I find the whole things amusing, but only insofar as it is likely to fail. I would be super bummed if they ever actually stopped carrying adult collectibles.

Maybe she should be more worried about those spandex-clad steroid-shooting wrestler action figures.

When I saw the report on the news that someone was protesting over "Breaking Bad" action figures being on the pegs at TRU I just had to shake my head.  Because the moral outrage police are at it once again. 

I get it that they (concerned parents) may have objections to figures from "Breaking Bad" because Walter White was a meth dealer / gangster.  I think we can universally agree that drug dealers are bad.  But the packages are clearly labeled with the appropriate age recommendations.  So what happens if TRU actually DOES pull Breaking Bad figures?  Where will the line be drawn next?  I'm worried about the slippery slope that would follow if TRU relents here. 


--- Quote from: Nicklab on October 21, 2014, 03:52 PM ---When I saw the report on the news that someone was protesting over "Breaking Bad" action figures being on the pegs at TRU I just had to shake my head.  Because the moral outrage police are at it once again. 

I get it that they (concerned parents) may have objections to figures from "Breaking Bad" because Walter White was a meth dealer / gangster.  I think we can universally agree that drug dealers are bad.  But the packages are clearly labeled with the appropriate age recommendations.  So what happens if TRU actually DOES pull Breaking Bad figures?  Where will the line be drawn next?  I'm worried about the slippery slope that would follow if TRU relents here.

--- End quote ---

Well the Breaking Bad figures are gone from, and my local store didn't have any on the pegs this morning (I actually wanted to check if "meth" was mentioned on the package... I know the accessory is hidden behind the insert). It would appear that "they" have already won. I agree 100% that this is a slippery slope, and it's scary how quickly this spread thanks to social media and mis-informed sensationalized "news" stories.

Hopefully TRU takes this opportunity to re-evaluate placement of the "adult toys". I think placement near the electronics section (where I can grab a copy of GTA or Evil Within... go figure) may be more appropriate and would hopefully minimize the chance of something like this happening again down the road.

Greedo The Green Menace:
It's incredibly stupid. On top of being with all the other adult figures like aliens and predators and Freddy and Jason and such, it doesn't actually advertise drugs at all, as many have said, the "Meth" accessory is hidden behind the insert. Where do you draw the line? Ninja turtles have swords and other violent weapons, should they be removed from shelves? GI Joes have guns and terrorists, does buying a Cobra Commander mean advocating terrorism? Girl dolls are dressed very sexualized with unrealistic proportions, should we boycott those too?

   Whats next? Am I gonna start being denied my Cantina Aliens cuz some crazy mom finds out those little plastic cups they have on them are filled with a ficticious alcoholic beverage? I suppose we might as well kiss Han Solo figures good bye as well, drug smuggler that he is. And forget ever getting you're dead Padme and extra crispy Owen and Beru....And while we're wasting all this time saving their children from a terrible action figure they probably don't give two tosses about, being that they're just boring old dude action figures that no kid would probably be interested in anyway, lets instead teach them a very important lesson! That if you see something you don't like, just gripe and yell and scream until everyone caves in and gives you what you want. Cuz that's good parenting. But I digress...


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