Collectibles > The Black Series 6" Figures

K-Mart 6" Sergeant Jyn Erso (Eadu) Exclusive

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Jesse James:
Well it looks like K-Mart has another exclusive for this year...  I saw Yakface tweet about this earlier, but a picture has turned up of a 6" Sgt. Jyn Erso like the title says.

She appears to have at least an exclusive base going for her...  Not sure what else is unique to be honest.  I know it's wildly different than the SDCC Jyn Erso, but will there be a general release version of her in this specific set of accessories or is the base and maybe the deco be all that's exclusive like last year's K-Mart figures?

If it's all the gear though, this will be a much more popular figure I'd imagine.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on September 13, 2016, 09:50 PM ---Not sure what else is unique to be honest.  I know it's wildly different than the SDCC Jyn Erso
--- End quote ---

SDCC and Rogue One Wave 1 are her Jedha outfit.  This one is the Eadu outfit. 

I imagine this one will be a lot like the last two Kmart figures so I expect to see a slightly cheaper base-less version in the regular 6" line.

Jesse James:
Yeah I couldn't imagine this being THAT different.  I was thinking though it may all be accessories and deco that's different too...  Her pants, shirt, etc. may all be the same under there.  There weren't many unique Rey outfits.  Jyn seems to change clothes more. :P

1. Why would anyone give KMart an exclusive when they are on the verge of bankruptcy and are closing stores left and right?

2. Why would KMart even want an exclusive when they are on the verge of bankruptcy and haemorrhaging cash? (Spell check failed, sry)

That said, cool figure and I'm definitely getting one if I can find a KMart somewhere.

Looked like the E-11 blaster had a new paintjob too? I noticed some silver on it, but it could have been the camera flash reflecting off of the plastic window. Looked good if it's new.


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