Multimedia > TV-9D9

Clone Wars toons to be 5 minutes long?

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I like the idea of it being 5 minutes long rather than 3, let's hope a DVD of this is made, with special features and all, do you think they would do that.  Wouldnt it be cool, if they made a bonus feature on the Clone Wars DVD, where you went behind the scenes with Hasbro, Creating the Clone Wars Toys.  I think that would be pretty sweet, we could see how they do it.

Darth Broem:
 I am sure they will throw a DVD of this at us at some point.  Probably right around Ep3.

Boba Binks:
 I wonder if it is possable to copy the Hyperspace high rez toon to the CPU to watch later? I hope so.

If not I wonder if you can save them from the RebelScum site in the lower rez? I would like to be able to save them and put them on a CD for my viewing pleasure.

I am just wondering if you can save them or not. I hate how most videos on the net you can only watch and not save to disk anymore.

If not I hope they put them on DVD next year.

Snively Bandar:
There sure better be a DVD of the complete series or a lot of people are going to be pissed.  In this day and age, it's a given.  But I'm sure that SOMEHOW, the Cartoon Network in collaboration with Lucasfilm, will make at least some small portion or just an episode completely exclusive to their programming.  That always seems to be the case with all things Star Wars.

I just know that I'll forget to tune in for some of the episodes.  Hopefully this newly rumored 5 minutes is all actual cartoon footage, and not just opening/closing credits.  3 minutes is just a little too short for my liking.  The more the better!

What's the schedule for the Cartoon Network on these shorts again?


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