Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade

Insane Ebayer - Star Wars Galaxies...


Angry Ewok:
Someone please explain these auctions to me, and why anyone would spend over, around, or even near a thousand dollars on them -

Star Wars Galaxies Chilastra Jedi Apprentice.

Star Wars Galaxies- Kettmoor- Jedi Account

SWG Star Wars Galaxies Sunrunner Jedi Account Loaded

people are too lazy to start out with a new account, and would rather buy an established account. crazy? yes. waste of money? yes. but it goes on constantly. and it's even worse with everquest. people sell houses and accounts and magic items, for so much cash it's not even funny.

Man this is an old post but back then jedi were very rare in SWG, now it is quite easy to obtain it if you play 7 hours a day everyday. But a jedi knight still goes for 900 USD


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