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Harry Potter

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Interesting timing on this one.  On the advice of several reviewers on I picked up the Blu-Ray boxed set off for $32 shipped  :o  Walmart had the same set locally for $59 and the two Deathly Hallows movies on Blu-Ray would have run me near $40 after taxes so it turned out to be a heck of a deal since we'd picked up neither DH movie yet.  Of course we have six HP movies on regular DVD with no real need at the moment but can probably flog those for $5 a piece during a garage sale in the summer. 

New Movies Coming

I really thought the next set of Potter media would be sequels starring the Weasley and Potter kids but alas this might be kind of fun too

I hope this does well. I want to see people doing extensions to universes instead of crappy prequels and sequels. I wish Disney would do extensions rather than sequels for Star Wars. New stories that have nothing to do with the Skywalker family or any characters we already have would be great.

Hmmm, not sure about this idea.

If she's doing 100% of the screenwriting, plotting etc I'm on board. That seems to be the idea now but who knows. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I wish she would just write more books and then adapt those for cinema. This cutting out the middle man stuff sort of defeats the best thing about this franchise - how excited it got kids about reading.


--- Quote from: McMetal on September 12, 2013, 11:16 AM ---

I wish she would just write more books and then adapt those for cinema. This cutting out the middle man stuff sort of defeats the best thing about this franchise - how excited it got kids about reading.

--- End quote ---

I'm totally with you on this. I'm looking forward to more in the universe but I'd much rather have a new series of books first!  My kids loved these.


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