Collectibles > Revenge of the Sith

Anakin Mock Up

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Spiffy!  I've been thinking about NOT buying Episode III figures but I really can't pass them up anymore, with my excitement over the trailer and everything else I have seen, I'm stoked!  Please, no crappy action features or huge buttons or mouth open screams

I just saw that as well Scott.  I actually posted in the Episode III figures thread, wasn't sure where to put it.  The figure looks pretty nice from what we can see though.  So far we haven't seen a "stinker" in the ROTS bunch, and I hope that continues for the most part.  I'm sure there will be some action feature-tastic figures coming up, but at least it is looking as if there should be some nicely done "normal" figures as well.  I know what you mean, I was in the same boat thinking at one point about giving up prequel collecting, but I am really looking forward to ROTS.  And now, from what we have seen of the figure trends for the movie line, it could be quite a line.  I wonder if this is a "pack in" figure, judging from the blister?  Hard to say, since it is a mock up.  Picture is courtesy of

Judging by the looks of the packaging and the arm positioning and articulation, I would say this is definitely a pack in figure - looks like he will be riding some sort of creature or vehicle - anyone remember those creatures you barely see on Mustafar on the trailer?  There are two of them - my guess is maybe this Anakin will come with one of those beasts.


I was thinking it could be a pack-in as well.  Maybe even packed in with his starfighter?  It would be cool if they started doing that again.  I guess it should be a good sign, that if this is a pack-in figure, it looks pretty good...and should mean that the basic figures will be just as good or better.  I hope so anyways.  The more I see of this movie/line, the more excited I get for it.


--- Quote from: OCB on November  9, 2004, 10:01 AM ---

Spiffy!  I've been thinking about NOT buying Episode III figures but I really can't pass them up anymore, with my excitement over the trailer and everything else I have seen, I'm stoked!  Please, no crappy action features or huge buttons or mouth open screams

--- End quote ---

I'll be buying all of them, always had that plan.  I'm just hoping I only buy the figures I can't live without at the start (Vader/clones/etc.) and leave all the rest to be purchased at much cheaper prices.  We're bound to see a glut of figures no matter what and since I open them all, people clearing their collections later tends to benefit me.  Here's hoping I can stay that course. :-\


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